Wendy Williams“Family and close friends continue to climb -around the old host of the talks program in the middle of her tutelage.
“He is in great mental and physically form” is Wendy’s brother Tommy Williams shared exclusively with Use weekly On Wednesday, March 12. “Leave -out.”
Since May 2022, Wendy, 60, has been living under a legal guardianship that oversees both his finances and his health. Speculation surrounding the old radio host well -being and the absence of the public eye caused a 2024 Documentary of a lifetime entitled Where is Wendy Williams?
This week, though, Use weekly He confirmed that Wendy was transported since his assisted life installation to a New York Hospital “to evaluate” after police were called for welfare control.
Wendy appeared later The Breakfast Club And he said he suffered competition tests, which he said would happen in “flying colors”.

According to his brother, Wendy’s ability to pass these recent tests is a positive step forward.
“He now has some direction and understanding of his functional skills and known skills,” said Tommy Us. “It’s a victory for Wendy, a big one. And she did it herself. He also shows that he is fluid with his thoughts and actions. “”
Wendy’s friend Ginalia Monterrosa – Who accompanied the media personality to the hospital this week, recently sent a letter to the adult protection services, formally requesting a probe on what he saw as “disturbing circumstances” around Wendy’s treatment.
In an exclusive interview with UsMonterrosa: Who is part of Connect Care Advisory Group – He said that the closest to Wendy are “only to find out the next steps of what will happen.”
“He is letting the audience know that it is unfair, it is unfair,” Monterrosa said about Wendy’s recent interviews. “You don’t need to be in a tutelage. She’s not incapacitated. He will continue to feel his opinion.”

According to Monterrosa, Wendy is not allowed to have a mobile phone at the installation where he resides.
“We would love to be in an unrestricted environment, even in another installation, where he has freedom to enter and out, see his friends, people can call it, he can have an iPad, he can use a two-way phone, not only (a) in a way (telephone),” said Monterrosa to Us. “(Has) the freedom to go to the store and the supermarket, to go to the gym, to have a life and the things we take for granted.”
Before a judge dictated a decision on Wendy’s tutelage, the old talk of the talk is expected to speak on Friday, March 14, episode of the episode of The sight.
The closest to Wendy Hope Good News will come soon.
“It’s a wait and see,” Tommy said. “We want to root Wendy. We see and listen and encourage him. And we pray.”
With the reports of Andrea Simpson