BBC’s World Service

The African Santos region is “center of global terror” and today, for the first time, relates to “half of all terrorism deaths”, according to the global terrorism index (GTI).
Its new report says that in this semi-arid area south of Sahara desert 3,885 people from around the world 7,555 killed.
The GTI report increases that while the global figure has declined from a top 11,000 in 2015 that the number raised by the Santos since 2019, as extremgent groups “have been transferred to their study.
Index published by the Institute for the economy and peace, a tank that is thought to be dedicated to researching global peace and conflict.
It targets terrorism as “threatened or actual use of illegal strength and violence in a non-state, religious, or social, or intimidation, or intimidation”.

The Salel Since from the West Coast of Africa Eastdwards across the continent. The meaning of GTI in the region includes parts of 10 countries: Burkina Faso, Mali, Cameroon, Guinea, Senegal, Nigrait, Nigritania.
Sihanel has some highest birth rate in the world, and almost two-thirds of the population is under 25.
Unlike the west where the actor’s “solitary terrorism in the increase”, the Santos saw the rapid development of militant jihadist groups, according to the report.
Most of the attacks have been carried by two organizations: The Islamic State Group Affiliate in Selel and Jama’at Nusrat Wal Muslimeen (Jnim) – a branch of Al-Qaeda.
“They try to introduce new legal orders,” Niagallé Baybooko, Chair of the Africa Security Security Security Sector Network. “They try to handle justice in particular sharia-based.”
And in the process, he says they “competed with each other” for land and influence.

Is-Sahel is reported to doubles the amount of territory that is controlled by Mali since the counters in the East Counters are in the bounds of the experts in False experts.
The GTI report says that both groups recruit many warriors, including child soldiers in the case.
“In a few times, people are likely to be at a point of no choice at the time they have decided to join a militant group,” Bevery analyst has moved risky risks. “These are the communities that are very weak.”
GTI report explained how politically managed and weak management in ideal conditions for insulting groups grow, taught conflict as “the main terror driver”.
Simone sometimes is sometimes referred to as a “coup belt” in Africa.
Since 2020 there are six successful regional coups described in GTI Report: Two of Mali, two in Burkina Faso, USA in Niger. These countries are now all run by military juntes.
“Salel has experienced a dismantling of state society,” said Dr. Forahanmi Aina, an expert in the SOAS University region in London.
“It was announced by the years of neglect from political leaders who did not need to lead people who were centered on people, which resulted in terrorism groups trying to heal it.”

There is an understanding that civilian governments do not prevent security threats from developing groups, “but in spite of these junts that do not fix the opportunities on earth and actually worsen,” as Dr Aina. “Professional juntes are not ready for management rigors.”
In fact, 2024, the Burkina Faso “remained country affected by terrorism for the second year of a row” According to GTI.
In 14 years since the report begins, it is the only country that leads to non-Iraq or Afghanistan list.
Jihadist groups strengthen their operations in Simon with different economic activities, including kidnap for ransom and rusting of cattle.
The region also became a key route for drug dealers from Cocaine from South America in Europe, and the report says one of the financial activities for terrorism involved in salel “.
It specifies that some groups departing directly involved in organized crime, however, preferred the “retaining money by imposing taxes or provisions in exchange for payment”.
It continues to clarify: “This model does not only produce us but also helps these groups together with local communities, strengthening their influence.”
Progress groups also select for preventing rich natural resources of Sael. The Niger is the greatest producer of the world, and the none of the artisanal gold mines found in the whole region is always enjoyed by the likes of IS-Santos and Jnim.

After the recent waves of coups, the Santos governments have been away from western allies, such as France and US, leading to China and Russia for militants.
“Now we see that Russia takes a more passionate controlling Russian paramilitaries in the region known as Acrica Corps (formerly Wagner),” says Ms Ochieng. “Their job is to train and support local armies to prevent hostility in the region, but so far it is not effective.”
As a result, the GTI report warns that there is a risk of excessively more than so-called “center of terror” in neighboring countries.
In fact, it says this can be happening – Togo records 10 attacks and 52 killed in 2024, mostly since the index began. It mostly concentrates the country’s border with Burkina Faso.
Ms Ochien agreed with this analysis, saying “the development of militant regional groups of countries such as Benin or Togo or some one on africa appican that looks like a monster”.
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