Researchers demanding North Korea $ 1.4 billion bybit Crypto Heist

Friday, Hackers stole around $ 1.4 billion in Cryptocurrencity ethereum from Bybit Exchange Cryptowhere the best Kripto head is at all time.

After hack, some blockchain monitary companies, as well as the well-known investigator zachxbt, as well as all pointed in Lahaus Group as a fault.

Zachxbt is the first one To point your finger blame, just a few hours after he noticed the first signs of the hack. Researchers said that they can trace Cryptocurrency stolen from Bybit to the wallet used in the previous hacks Phemex, Bingxand PoloniexThat is connected to the North Korea.

When TechCrunch asked what in North Korea at the end of Bybit Hack Zachxbt said: “100%,” and pointing previous hack. “The law enforcement also treats the way,” Zachxbt said.

Elliptic parahan Blockchain also reaches the same conclusion. “The minute of the minute after stealing from Bybit, the elliltic team has worked around the hour by Bybit, the customer and prevent the benefit of the benefit of her,” Wrote elliptic In blog postSee rankings-.

Elliptic said the Pereas of North Korean became responsible, “based on various factors, including larikering analysis of stolen Crypoasets.” The company added that Lazarus Group follows the “characteristic pattern” to launch Crypto.

Contact us

Do you have more information about bybit hack, or other crypto heams? From unable to use and tissues, you can contact Lorenzo Franceschi-Bccchierai safely in Signal at +1 917 2517 257 1382, or through Lecture @lorenizofb, or EmailSee rankings-. You can also contact techcrroch over SecureSee rankings-.

North Korea is a chariot’s region; The hacher of the regime has been associated for at least 58 crypto heists, According to the united states panelsSee rankings-. United States, Japan, and South Korean government Government Stealing more than $ 650 million in various hacks and animals and heed in 2024.

Tom Robinson, Elliptic occupation, tells the techcrunch that the company is the company because of the “stolen fund stolen funding from several thieves,” said North Korea Requim.

“Also, the way you are working on the same as the appearance of the DPRK,” he said Robinson. “Plus some other factors that cannot be shared.”

Blockchain’s intelligence conditions also conclude “confidently” North Korea was at the end of Bybit hack, said the company In blog post On Friday.

BYBIT Tombit speaking Au declined to comment on North Korea Link, saying “Our team is still investigated at this moment.”

Northern Permanent Mission to the Bear Nations do not respond to a commentary request for comments.

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