Europe Digital Editor

Abdullah Ocalan, the prisoner leader of Kurd separatist PKK, calls his movement to put his arms and melt himself.
His statement, read a letter of MPs from a pro-Kurdish party, addressed to the end of the four decades of armed struggle in the southern Turkey killed.
Occalan, 75, met with MPs in many hours in the Impraliti, an island of the Marmara South-Silch sea in Istanbul where he was imprisoned in the 1999 river.
His notice comes months after ultra-nationalist leader Devlet Bahceli, which is part of the Turkish government, launched an initiative to end the conflict.
“There is no choice in democracy in pursuit and awareness of a political system,” reading Occalan’s letter. The “democratic consensus is the basic manner.”
The letter reads dem party Ahmet Ahmet Turk and Pervin Bulekan in Kurdish and English in a Istanbul hotel, after their third visit according to IMRIKOBUL.
Requires Members of the PKK – Kurdistan Workers’ acts – Occalan says “All groups should put their arms and the PKK should melt himself”.
He said that the movement – forbidden as a terrorist group in Turkey, the EU, UK and US – before formerly because “Democratic Political Canals are closed”.
However Devlet Bahceli, supported by positive signals from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other political parties, gave the right arms for the PKK in his arms, he added.

Bahceci for many years has been pushed for the hard military action against PKK, but in October he was shocked by the colleagues by shaking hands from the Dem Party in Parliament. He immediately recommended Occalan could give parole if he stopped violence and disappearing to his armed group.
There is a careful hope from some quarters that end up 40 years of conflict.
“We look at the outcome,” said a leading member of the Ruling AKP, Efkan Allah.
The biggest opposition party, secular chp, said it gathers a meeting on Thursday night.
Pervin Buldan and Dem Party Colleue Sirriue Sureyya two met Occalan twice in recent weeks, and they shortened other parties in their visits.
Onder tells an audience made by most Kurd politicians and reporters that they have a positive history point.
Kurdish leaders welcomed the statement and local reports say thousands of people gathered to view the statement of the towns of Diyarkakir and Van in most Kurdish South-East.
However, not everyone is convinced to change.
Last week was a senior PKK commander, Duran Kalkan, warned that the ruling AKP was not looking for a solution but to “give up, destroy”.
Kurdish politicians and journalists faced a crackdown and the Turkish army competed in military operations in Iraqi Kurdistan and North-East Syria, he added.
“(Erdogan} challenges and prompts war like a ‘war baron’,” she told a channel on pro-pkk tv.
The Turkish-backed forces in the North-eastern Syria were raised by their campaign against the Kurdy forces and last month called Syrian soldiers led by the Democratic forces in Syria.
Politicians pro-Kurd are targeted by a wave of arrest and jail sentences in recent years.
Last year two leaders of pro-Kurdn HDP, Sealaattin Demirtas and Figsekdaging, imprisoned for 42 years and 30 years in the true deadly ribs in 2014.
Kurd politician says it’s a “black stain” in Turkish justice system and the HDP later reforms respective Dem party.
About 40,000 people die because PKK’s insurential begins.
There is a spike of violence in the southeastern Turkey from 2015-17 when a two-and-a-half-year ceasefire.
More recently, in October the PKK claims an attack on the turkish aerospace plane (Tai) heading in Ankara remaining five people are dead.
While Occalan’s letter read, the opposition of the good party hangs on a large black flag of its title remembers PKK victims: “We will not forget, we do not forget them.”