‘People need breaks’: DRC conflict runs the dark memories of the Congress War | News of conflict

In some parts of the Democratic Republic of Kongo (DRC), people have been fleeing to war or safety in advance of the M23 rebels in advance, who have seized and destroyed the eastern cities of Goma and Bukawu in recent weeks.

According to the United Nations, the rebel group Ravanda has supported the neighbor, and Valikle has also been closed at the major mining center, while Kinshasa has offered A. M 5m prize The group did not reduce the group due to the possession of M23 leaders.

While the M23 march in North and South Kiwa is taking place, the army of Uganda has deployed a few hours away from the territory in the rebellious region beyond the DRC border in the province of Ituri. The army of Uganda states that they are struggling with two of many dozen armed groups working in the DRC for the development of Alide Democratic Force (ADF) and Kongo – DRC. In February, the civilian attacks on the citizens were recently hit, at least peoples were killed, and urged Uganda to send additional soldiers to drive 5,000 thousand to the DRC.

For political observers, the increasing presence of the two The soldiers of Ravandan and Yuganda The DRC has a fantastic replay of a painful past, they fear that it can be a big, regional war again if it is not.

1998 1998 Raw 1998, known as the “Great Africa War” .This “Great Africa War”, known as the “Great Africa War”, said Paul Nannula, Analycic Center of Africa Center for Strategic Studies, said, “We are looking for another Kango war with the same artists.”

Many African countries also followed the DRC or Ravanda -led sides, as well as dozens of local militia. The result is a humanitarian crisis that saw approximately five million deaths; DRC robbed of mineral resources like gold; And the emergence of dozens of armed groups with M23.

At that time, thousands of people around the world protested the DRC torture and ended the robbery and murder. Today, illegal mining and smuggling from DRC mines – which supply electronics to 70 percent of the global supply of coalton and cobalt – is widely continued as death and displacement due to activity in armed group.

“The hunger of political negotiations is low and international pressure is low and due to forced measures, he did not suffer from an earlier crisis,” Nantulia further said to suspend Ravanda’s military assistance to the European Union and. The United States approval That Ravandan Army Chief Officer on the On.

Tribes - DRC
DRC’s Joseph Kabila supporters praised their posters in Kinashsa on July 1 in July 1, before the first democratic presidential election in the country (File: NIC: NICMA/EPA)

History of intervention

Is in a low-level violent conflict for DRC More than three decades?? In those days, more than six million people have been killed and millions of more have been displaced.

One of the complex mixtures of these problems: Kigili complaints in 199 199 in, in 199 199 in the Hutu genocide to the rebels who had escaped after the Hutu massacre; Reduced stress between the Congress Tutis and their neighbors; A bump for mineral sources in unsafe Eastern DRC; And corruption in the Congress government.

The Rwanda’s DRC attack was indicated on both the first and second Kongo Warsaw (1996-1-9997 and 1998-2-8), as Kigali claimed to have followed the Hutu genocide that had fled the border. In 1999, after President Paul Kagme’s army took over in Rwanda, the HU -groups gathered in refugees in the DRC where they renewed the Tuts.

Before taking power in Kigali, the paper and his troops trained for years, joined the Ravanda in Uganda, DRC. The two countries then supported the Kangoli rebellious group under the leadership of Laurent Kabila to remove the dictator, president Mobutu ces seo. At that time, there were many regional enemies of Mobutu. Many countries supported Kabila by sending weapons or weapons including Angola, Burundi, Ethiopia, Eritria and South Africa.

However, when Kabila was gained in 19979 1997 in, the sides changed the sides and the troops of Rwandan and Uganda were out of the DRC in one day. In 1998 1999, Ravanda and Uganda again attacked and sponsored Tutsi Milisia who seized the rich part of the East DRC resource. Kabila, including Namibia, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Chad and Angola, managed to work in his favor, who has now changed the leadership of the new government. UN deployed peace power, monksco. Kabila recorded the help of the Hutu Milia groups in the East DRC and increased racial tension with the tuters of Kangoli, which is considered as a supporter of the Ravanda.

DRC war
Left: Ravanda President Paul Kagame, South Africa’s Thabo Mebeki and DRC Joseph Kabila told a press conference on November 7 at a press conference in Pretoria, South Africa. The meeting was held to review the implementation of a peace agreement signed between the DRC and Ravanda: Kongolies Warbe.

Violations of robbery and rights

The Kongo Waros ended in 2003, but the violence of low-rise continued, which some experts have said that it never ended.

In many subsequent reports, UN, Ravanda and Uganda accused Hutu citizens of targeting civilians and looted and smuggled DRC coffee, diamonds, wood, colon and other resources. Yuganda president Joere’s relative, his younger brother Salim Saleh and Saleh’s wife, Jovia Akandavanho, were named operators of companies involved in illegal goods, especially during the second war. Kangoli politicians and soldiers were also trapped.

“The exploitation of natural resources became increasingly attractive, not only enabled these groups to finance their war efforts, but it was a source of personal conservation for a large number of political/military leaders. Thus, natural resources gradually became the motivating force behind the war, ”a A postponement Read.

He also alleged that the DRC and the traders in multiple countries .It was the “foreign buyer who wants to handle these items.” In 2005, the Australian-Canadian mining company’s Vill was accused of providing logistics to the Kangoli army, which was violently suppressed in the southern DRC.

The International Court of Court (ICJ) found guilty of “violating international law” and ordered to pay to Uganda. 5 325 To the DRC to compensate for loss and compensation during wars. The vibration has launched installments and is expected to be completed by 227. Although the DRC had filed a claim on Ravanda, the ICJ could not rule the matter because Ravanda did not recognize his work area.

In a recent legal battle in 223, the DRC again filed a claim against the East African court judges in Arula, Tanzania, and argued that M1 BRU violated the regional integrity against international law against the international law. That case is still ongoing. Rwanda has repeatedly refused to support the M23.

Goma residents take the race for burial from 5,3 bodies from the struggle
On February 225 (EPA) GOMA, due to the conflict outside the DRC, the children queue the queue to fetch water in the water.

‘DRC needs a break’

The countries participating in the Kongo War are once again in the DRC. And again, a Congress politician is marching on Kinhasha, this time Cornelli nestLeader of the rebel Kongo River Alliance (AFC). Once upon a time, the Election Commissioner, Nangi Kangoli president Felix Tsheseedi, was added to the M1 Completed in December 223. Now they lead the AFC-M1 Communication Alliance.

However, the Akra-based analyst at the Kongo Research Center, Kambale Muswali, told Al Jazir that the interference from the neighborhood of the DRC never stopped.

“When we say that Uganda and Ravanda are in Kongo again, they are returning from the point of view that they left,” Knwoli, a Congressman, told Al Jaizira. In fact, both governments had constantly controlled the situation in the DRC, he said.

In the entire continent, it is clear that most parties stand in this repetition of the conflict: UN has documented by the Ravanda’s support for M23, which states that around 000,3 Ravandan troops are supporting the rebels. Burundi, led by President Evarista Nandesimi – has deployed at least 5,3 troops to support the DRC army. South African troops have led the Mission of the South African Development Community (SADC) in the DRC and have been fighting M23 with Malawian and Tanzanian soldiers since January. Angola and Kenia Two independent peace are leading negotiations, while Chad is considering the request to deploy the Kinshasa army.

Uganda, however, appears to be a wild card. The country was last year Involved Analysts believe that the Analysts believe that the M23-Hold area is very close to the M23-Hold area by the UN to provide support to M23 to start the attack. But the vibration rejects any connection with M23.

“There is a big elephant in the room of Uganda,” said Analyst Nantulia. He further said that the Compa is doing a doubt balanced act, a part of the DRC is working to secure, while on the other hand, should not stand on the M23.

The DRC resources are also a focal point in this conflict. So far, M23 has taken over the major expansion of North and South Kiwu. It is estimated that DRC’s gold is finishing the armed group, which has surprised the analysts with its high-quality weapons and telecommunication systems. UN estimates that M23 earn about $ 800,000 monthly from illegal gold sales.

African countries say that the African countries will try to negotiate both sides due to the long crisis, but to put pressure on the DRC government to put pressure on its internal affairs: Kangoli has suffered a legitimate crisis as a popular rejected elections. Weakness and incorporated corruption in the army of the country may have been in trouble for the Kangoli rescue as M23 advanced. And in the Kangoli-Tutsi communities, the feeling of neglect is still heavy, stress is increasing.

In addition, Kinashas recently appealed for national dialogues Peace discussion in the leadership of regional partiesThere are important steps, said Muswuli. International Crime Court lawyer Karim Khan has recently visited. He had promised to prosecute all sides alleging violating the rights in the conflict.

“I often ask, ‘What is the Ravandan government? What about the Government of Uganda? “But no one (Congress) talks about people,” said Muswuli.

“We are saying that the people of Kongo should be alive so that they can re -create the country for the benefit of the African continent. That is why the DRC needs a break. Not only for themselves but for the entire African continent. “”

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