My Hijab, your choice | Islamophobia

Five British women share personal experiences of discrimination in the UK because they wear hijab.

On August 224, Islamophobia raised a ugly head in the British race riots, and from October October 223, attacks on Muslims and mosques in the United Kingdom have increased.

Women are as targeted by men as much as men.

Based on their own witnesses, five British Muslim women share their experiences clearly and in emotional, intimate interviews. They challenge the Western understanding of Hizab as a symbol of female -shaking, and their faith describes them as a powerful expression of their beliefs, which define them as strong, independent women.

Women describe the struggle that they face the honor and respect of the British society where they are insulted, attacked, and especially discriminated against in the job market. The film is the discovery of why many Muslim women choose to wear a hijab and today the British attitude and discrimination of Islam in the UK.

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