BBC News

The New Zealand’s Parliament’s home speaker says he doesn’t think of further complaints from lawmakers using the country’s name in the country of proceedings.
“Aoteraroa is often used as a New Zealand name,” says Speaker Gerry Brownlee in a rule of Parliament on Tuesday.
His comments come after Deputy Prime Minister Winston Pets Question Brayee to use the name Aotearaa, and suggest a referendum to use it in Parliament.
While New Zealand is the legal name of the country and can only be changed by law, the Aoteaaria, translated into “the land of the upper white cloud”, has long been used in reference to New Zealand in Māori.
“This (Aotearaa) can be found in our passports and find it in our money,” Brownlee said Tuesday. The name is also used in the Māori version of the National New Zealand song, which is often heard before English Version.
“If other members don’t like some words, they don’t have to use it. But it’s not a good idea, and I don’t expect to have more order points they are raised,” he added.
MPs allowed to use any three official language in the country – English, Mori and New Zealand Sign Language – when speaking at Parliament.
The opposition of Peters, that Māori, stood in the last month, if it used Green MP Ricardo Menéndez Marcos during parliamentary session.
“Why does a person apply for this country in 2006 allowed to ask this parliament that changes the country’s name without the referendum and punishment of people in New Zealand?” Ask the peters.
Menéndez March from Mexico but a New Zealand citizen, because all MPs needed.
Shane Jones, is another minister of government member of the first party at Petters’s New Zealand, asking “the accuracy of new immigrants to need the name of our country?”
In time, Brownlee urged lawmakers to use the name Aotearoa New Zealand instead to avoid any confusion but it is said that it is not necessary.

Not all that Māori has the same connection with the name Aotearaa, originally used to describe North Island in North Zealand only. However, it is often used by non-maraori due to respect for native people.
Winston Peters said Tuesday that he did not agree with Brownlee’s rule, Radio New Zealand (RNZ) reported.
He added that he had only a problem with Aotearea used in Parliament, not in Māori as a whole, and that, if a question answered him in the future name, he would not answer.
The use of Mori’s public grows throughout New Zealand in recent decades, after adbokasya from native leaders.
A petition was launched in 2022 at the Māori Party, an official political party, who officially changed the country’s name in Aoteraroa, who received more than 70,000 signatures.
“New Zealand is a Dutch name and no connection with this when (land). How many Aotearaa people can teach ‘old’ Zealand on a map?” Māori Party Co-Leader Rawiri Waititi said on time.
Since the present administration has been made to the power of 2023, it is necessary to pray for government departments in their English names and contact English, unless they are specifically related to Māori.
Another of members of the coalition, the Act Party, also seeks to print New Zealand’s construction document terms, the Waitangi covenant, which is met with fierce opposition.