Meta is to launch the community in the US next week

Home Sunday, Meta will start one of the most important movements in the company that can provide information about the platform.

On March 18, Meta will start releasing the community to record community records for Facebook, Instagram, and the user users are in the United States. Promptassourcing’s copying program announced in every person who was announced in 2021 and it was a way to fix information that corrects after Elon Musk be X.

Meta executives say that they have focused to take the community correctly in the US before scrolling these features to other countries. This is the area to test the new features, because the US is the lowest market, but meta can be hesitate to play communities in other areas, where European commission is now X investigations through the effectiveness of the Community featureSee rankings-.

The move can also signal Meta CEO mark zuckerberg who is fun for the fun administration of Trump, who is before criticized by means for the conservative points of view.

The US Facebook Users will soon see the Community records (Credit: Meta)
Click notes will show more info (credit: meta)

Zuckerberg first announced the changes In January As part of a wider effort to give more perspective to the platform. From 2016, Meta relying on third party reality to verify information on the platform, but VP Neil, VP Meta in Wednesday, not smaluitic, not a lot of mistakes.

For example, Potts said that Meta Exian Label-Label examination for Articles of opinion on climate change That appeared on Fox News and Wall Street Journal. In other cases, Zuckerberg recently said in a podcast Joe Ragan that does not have meta Discitas are concerned around the copid-19 vaccine as a mistake.

Meta hopes that the community records will solve a general perception that make an error, making a more check-step system that can handle more errors. However, meta noted this system does not change the Community standard – the rules of the company that dictates whether the submission is considered a hate greeting, fraud, or other content.

Overhauls of the meta content moderation arrives at a large number of tech companies that try to address conservatives. X has caused the industry efforts, with Elon Musk who claims to display their social platform around the “free speech.” Openai recently announced that changing the way to train ai model to Embrace “intellectual freedom“And say that it will not work out there’s no point of view.

Rachel Lambert, Director of Meta products, said Wednesday Wednesday if the meta system checks the new reality of the unueling algorithms x are new around the community.

Meta opened Application for Contributor to Network Network NOTE In February. Meta contributions will be able to advise records that check the claims checking the post on Facebook, Instagram, or thread. Other contributors will provide notes with helpful or are not helpful, determine the part of what the community records will be displayed for other users.

Contributions can tell us about good records (Credit: Meta)
(Credit: Meta)

Many X systems, Community Metta System evaluating system that contributors usually disapproval in posts. Use this information, Meta will only display notes if the sides are usually opposed to each other agreeing that the note can be helpful.

Even if the majority of contributors meta believes the community records are required, does not mean that there will be indicated. Furthermore, said will not reduce posts or accounts in the algorithm even if the community note is displayed in the post.

Many years, the Crowdsource system like the community note is seen as a promise that promises to complete the wrong in social media, but it has a shortage.

On the positive side, researchers find that people tend to see the community note more reliable than the flags of third parties, according to research published in the journal ScienceSee rankings-.

In the investitation of another large scale on the X Fact-X checking system, researchers wear Luxembourg University Finding posts with community records attached to them to reduce the spread of shifting posts with 61%, average.

But many posts don’t get a note that is attached to him, or it takes too much. Because X, and Meta, requires a community record to reach a consensus between the point of view with the point of view, often means checking the fact only added after posting or millions of people.

Luxembourg University also finds the community records may be very slow to intervene in the early stages and the most Lifespan viruses.

New research from Hate digital Counseling Center Highlight the conundrum. Researchers take an example of a transferred posts on the X and discover if contributors recommend accurate information, which suits these posts 81% time.

But the post that receives advice, only 9% received by the consensus, means that many majority of these posts are not visible to the fact.

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