Mercenary in Russia was sentenced to the Life of the Finnish court for crimes in the War in Ukraine

A national Russia was sentenced to the imprisonment of the life of a Finnish court for doing crimes of war on eastern Ukraine in 2014.

Voislav Trodden, 38, a senior member of the Russian Far-right mercenary group of Rusich, found guilty of a court court in Finnish capital, Helsinki, on Friday, while he was released on fifth payments.

The charges relate to an ambush and fire occurring in the Luhansk region in Ukraine, killing 22 Ukrainian soldiers and injured four more. Trodden denies the allegations.

This is the first time carried and heard in a finnish court of allegations of war crimes in Ukraine.

Trodden, used to be known as Yan Petrovsky, a built member of Rusich, moving in the eastern Donbas Region part of the pro-Russian separatist fight against Ukraine. Rusich is a subunit of Wagner group.

It is said that, on 5 September 2014, Troden led his people as part of a ambush of Ukrainian soldiers by pretending to be Ukrainian, before a truck and a car covered in unit.

Twenty-one Ukrainian troops were killed and further five injured, the complaint said.

The Helsinki court found inadequate evidence to conclude that the Rusich is specifically responsible for ambush, because there are many groups involved.

However, found guilty of all other counts, including the trarken in charge of the mercenaries of the Rusich who attended the ambush, killing even a soldier in Ukrainian and injured in another.

Her people also found that murmur of an injured soldier by “making the symbol of the rusich group on her face”.

Trodden was found to share the images that “humiliated” the soldier and posted social media Rusich “does not give mercy”.

A panel of three judges unanimously found guilty of late four charges, which wrote that the worst – the murder of a soldier, “compared to killing because of violence”.

While the court is prepared to have insufficient evidence to find him important for the death of 21 other Ukrainian dynamic, this family fee he is found responsibly.

Trodden continues to deny the allegations set forth against him, the Public Broadcaster of Finland. He seeks to appeal to conviction, according to National Pewspaper ITTA-Sanomat.

Trodden was arrested at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport in July 2023, at the Ukrainian government request, trying to raise him.

That request was rejected by the Supreme Court of Finland than concerns he could not receive a fair test of Ukraine – but he was still accused of crimes under international law.

Finland’s public broadcaster, the yle, reports that similar charges are tested associated with the actions of countries including Rwanda and Iraq.

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