Iran made a big claim on gold because he was confused by Trump The news of business and economy

Tehran, Iran – Iran has been importing gold in the past few months because they have come down to make more troubles under the United States. Strategy??

Iran has turned to gold for more than a decade as a safe shelter, because he has harassed the financial storms of Community due to the restrictions on nuclear program and regional influence.

But President of President Masood Peseshkian, who took the election after his pre -After last summer elections. Died in a helicopter accidentHe has taken a new level in the wake of the pressure of US President Donald Trump.

By the end of the tenth month of the Calendar year of Iran, Iran had imported at least 81 metric tonnes of gold advice, according to the country’s customs administration.

This was more than 300 percent more than 300 percent in terms of the last year’s corresponding period and 234 percent more in terms of weight.

In the late February, the new customs chief Forod Asgari told reporters that the gold imports obtained for export of goods have crossed 100 tons, without further details.

This will indicate a three-fold growth compared to the total 30-tons of the previous year.

Central Bank chief Mohammad Razza Freasin claimed in December that 5 percent of the foreign exchange reserves in the country have been changed to gold and Iran has the highest amount of gold for foreign currency in Iran.

Mohammed Ali Devhanvi, the head of Iran’s trade promotion organization, said last month that the country’s trade balance is negative this year, but most of them are “due to the increase in gold imports”.

The Iranian authorities did not disclose the gold from the Authorities or what they exported to get it.

Some reports suggest that Iran has got Russia’s gold part in exchange for suicide drone. Iranian officials did not comment on the claim, saying they have only exported some drones to Russia A few months before the beginning of the Ukraine War??

Iran killed drone
Iran in the west sold its Shaheed drone to Russia for the war in Ukraine (File: Brian System/Royators)

Gold everywhere

The growing focus on gold was not limited to the Iranian government, which has also remained Screwing to plug the budget hole By significantly raising the tax.

Irani is long ago Hedging against their freeflowing national currency Foreign variables and various gold products, especially the coins made by the Central Bank.

In recent months, officials have been strongly encouraging gold purchases.

Dozens of services and applications have been broken with large public advertising campaigns Change their savings in gold Less than the equivalent of $ 1 or less.

But all of them did not prove gold reserves, and the authorities have been motivated to buy only the autorites from time to time so that citizens should not be cheated from time to time.

On the 13th of the month of Islamic month, the purchase of gold and played a superstition in front of thousands of gold stores last August to buy cultured gold.

Iranian gold
On July 3, 2023, female performances at the old market in Iran’s old market (Ata Kenare/AFP)

These people and others who have purchased gold this year are comfortable as the value of gold operated by global demand and local reversal.

The Central Bank has also placed a string of new gold coins pre-cells, with distribution dates for up to six months. Some of those coins have been sold at a higher price of their global value.

On March 20, the Central Bank planned to issue new gold certificates before the end of the current Iranian calendar year but postponed the next year.

The financial regulator did not declare the terms of giving state-supporting certificates, saying it was late that the scheme was late in the end of the year and the financial situation of the stock market “.

The main stock market index tedix in Tehran Stock Exchange reached the overall higher position in January, but has been running in a very unstable period. America and Israel threatened to bomb Iran And the economic distress in the country is increasing.

What is behind a gold crowd?

After Iran Global payment was cut from the network And its entry into foreign currencies was widely limited, as a way to reduce the dependence on the US dollar and to use the property with the internal value to use as a medium for trade.

It is believed that Iran has limited the potential logistical challenges related to the large amount of transport through the Imam Khomeney International Airport of Tehran in most imported gold.

In the coming years, the government is trying to increase local gold production, as it is currently a relatively modest role due to lack of investigation and mining.

But gold strategies can make a small profit for the economy under immense pressure, but there are serious limitations to the abusing the escape prices.

Iranian gold coins (photos of Nasar Jafri/Taswim News/AFP)

Economist and market analyst Mehdi Hagbali told Al Jazira to sell the gold coin to the people of the Central Bank.

They explained that the increase in supply of excessive money – the main reason behind the back Perennial inflation in Iran – In recent months, the devaluation of the national currency has not been completely explained, as it has a close relationship with geographical -political confusion.

He said, “By selling gold coins, the central bank tries to show its confidence and huge stocks of foreign property – foreign currency or gold,” he said.

“But even if these cases, the auction will be futile. The Central Bank and Government cards are known to the public, and the problems in the upcoming trade under the new financial deficit and the upcoming trade difficulties are well known to all market players. As a result, no matter how much gold the central bank sells, they will fail to change public understanding, which will result in almost zero results on prices. “”

Hagbali said only improved macroicoconomic and political conditions can have a meaningful impact on prices, and the sale of gold can be called “almost energy and resources wastage”.

Gold is missing?

During the approval, the abundance of imported gold during the approval and the crisis in which it was improper was more accused of the wrongdoing.

An independent Iranian inquiry journalist Yashi Soltani made a headquarters after claiming that more than 61 tonnes of gold was “lost” and claimed that he was not offered in the market.

He also pointed out that gold coins are being sold at inflated prices Long -term accusation Local politicians and economists change the rates against the Iranian government in a row that they change the rates to boost the benefits of short-term.

The Central Bank issued a small statement to reject claims without explaining, and it has been said that they will prosecute the journalist against the journalist.

The state media rushed to protect the golden policy of the officials of the officials, the IRNA, which was run by the government, argued that it was meaningful to sell the gold reserves of the Central Bank as it gives quick liquidity under the approval.

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