In France the test is usually done in France after being accused of raping or abusing victims in France, most of them were children’s patients

France is about to have the greatest test of sexual abuse of his children. While the only man is in the dock – 299 ex-surgeons accused of raping or sexual abuse, mostly children’s sick – Entrepreneurs hope that the trial helps other victims protected by other abusers.

The central trial is defeldant Joël Le Scouchernec’s cold notebooks, documented sexual violence.

Le Scouarnec, now 74, will face hundreds of victims in four months of trial starting at Vannes, France in the northwest region of Brittany. He does not deny the loads, even if he doesn’t remember everything.

Some survivors have no memories of attacks, being conscious of the moment of surgery in Le Scouchearnec’s hands.

Trial activists encourage to lift taboos around sexual abuse. This was recently highlighted in the trial Gisèle Pélicot, now a former husband drugged and raped And others, France symbol of the fight against sexual violence.

Child protection and women’s rights groups and medical community associations see trial to confirm that differences in embarrassment should change.

“The victim should also mark a new step towards the listening and protecting justice system,” ‘they said in a statement.

Abuse dated for decades

Le Scouchnec has a 20-year prison for rape, sexual assault and indecent action for violence or surprise.

The case, a 6-year-old resident began in 2017 when Le Scouchnec distinguished its properties above the fence.

His next home search found more than 300,000 photos, 650 pedophilic and scatological, as well as notebooks, as he described it as pedophile, according to the study.

In 2020, Le Scouchnec established a 15-year prison for four children’s rape and sexual attack, including two nieces and a young patient.

Le Scoonnec has approved 1985-1986 children’s abuse, according to research documents. Some cases cannot be judged because the statute of the border has expired.

Vannes trials will examine rape and other abuses from 1989 to 2014 between women and 141 women, over the age of 11 years.

The victims were shocked around what happened

Doctors sex and girls abused when they were alone in hospital rooms, according to research documents. His strategy was to disguise sexual violence as a medical action, aimed at young patients who had less likely to remember what happened.

“I didn’t remember the operation. I remembered the postoperation,” a victim, Amélie Lévêque reminded that he was 9 in 1991. “I shouted Lot, but I didn’t think something like this happened to me in this operation.”

A few years later, he described the feeling of feeling when he knew his name appeared in Le Scouchear.

“That was the beginning of the answers of life responses, and then the descent was the beginning of hell when I left the lawyer’s office,” he said. “I felt that I lost control of everything. I wasn’t crazy, but I had to deal with the truth of what happened now.”

He also described the emotional tollness of revelation.

“I fell into a deep depression … I tried to help my family, but I felt completely alone,” he said.

Associated Press does not identify people who say they say they were sexually attacked or allowed to tell their stories publicly.

LE SCOUARNEC The lawyer, Thibaut Kurzawa told the Sud-Ouestra in response to his client “to respond to Judges” when he decided to “fight reality”.

Activists want to be a call to wake up in society

The case could be clarified much earlier. Le Scouchnec was already convicted of children’s pornography in 2005 and four months of prisoner four months.

However, next year he was named as a hospital doctor. Due to the processing delays, the Ministry of Health at the time has not entered a references to his past crimes.

Even after reporting his persuasive, health authorities and hospital management did not follow disciplinary action.

Some children’s protective teams entered as a civil party with procedures. Jean-Christophe Boyer L’Enfant Bleo’s lawyer said, an important goal “to do something, maybe change the legal framework … to prevent this situation again.”

The independent committee on childish insubordination and sexual violence called for a “important cultural change”.

“The careers of child abuse are built, not monsters, but they have silent silences of witnesses,” he said in a statement. “Each witness is the duty to take measures, and especially each professional in health, administration or judicially in a position of responsibility.”

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