The US official Russian military of the United States official Russian army Russian troops is talking to Ukrain’s army.
President Vladidimir Claiming the Summer City of Subsaur, the Russian Department of Defense claims that I have claimed that the city of the hours reunited. Ukraine authorities claimed the claim immediately.
Renewed Russian military pressure and Putinin Putint Putland Donald Trinity President Donald Trinity President Donald Trinity President Donald Trinity President Donald Trinity President Donald Trinity President Donald Trinity President Donald Trinity President of the United States and Ukraine authorities.
Trump said that the Administration was Russia, “now Russia,” said Russia, “now Russia,” if the government does not participate in the United States, “it was Russian struggles.
We can, but I hope it cannot be necessary.
Crainic refusing to comment on talks about speech
We are happy, as well as pmskokov, as well as PMSKK, but it does not comment on the idea of the dead.
For reports, “before the lectures begins, and not yet, it is wrong to talk about it,” he said.
UN US officials say that they hope to stop attacks on Ukraine during the next few days.
Whenea House Presser, the carrot carrot scratch and speaking on Wednesday with Russia. The Russian authorities have confirmed that he would go to Moscow with the Russian authorities, probably, including the Happiness, including Russian authorities.
Ukraine offers Cruyon in connection with war in the fight against Jerusalem’s military creatures or giving up the hope of being disappointed.
In Russia’s efforts in Russia, the Ukrain Army Weapons in Russia has been renewed by Russian wars in North Korea soldiers. Ukraine’s Wage Status From World War II, the first soldiers of Kararlin from World War I.
Wednesday Wednesday said: “The future nearby the future,” they say they would not be fully free with the enemy. “
It is important to think that the security zone of the region is important to the border of the region “to the border of the region”

Invitation for the supply of the Ukrainian invites bidders for the supply of the Russian soldiers in Ukraine and negotiate chip in any peace conversations in Ukraine and in Ukraine. However, the cause of strength is significantly changes the dynamic of war.
The Russian forces of Russian forces in Susts, which has been established for war study.
Ukraine High military principal, razor, Olishar Atskyi said: “Unusual multiple multiple multiple multiple number, and he did not think that Ukraine said it was not controlled by the outcome.
This is an eternity in that way. -Gen. Ukrain’s Northern Northern Democratic Order of the Ukraine Northern Northern Deitator of Ukraine, which included the CANSTANY COUNTS OF THE ENDER OF ENTER. “I guess the exit” “I guess, but I don’t want to talk about him yet.”