Hinge launched a new feature for Daters to show details of private with match

Sliding app dating launched The new feature is called “Note” Note “on Wednesday, allowing users to share their information privately with the matching matches in common in profile.

Users can add a match note by moving into profile, similar to how they can add text prompts. The note is always seen for a new match, but it only can read once. To complete the match, others have to admit the note to start the conversation. They can also choose to see other people after viewing the records of the match.

Bracelets explain that this feature is designed to support non-limited groups, especially the LGBTQIA and NeuroDivegent users, challenge unique challenges in dating applications.

For example, transgender users may not be comfortable to tell the identity on their profile but still wanting to be destined. The feature can also allow neurodifrgent users to show their needs in a more private manner or helping Daters that are hard to prepare the first date that does not include a drink.

The match records can also enable users to express the previous classic style and style of the message that may not meet the desired.

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