Fusion Front: Junto Nadia breath is being carried out in Banamweight Key Contes

The use wBC Bantianight Champiel Junto Nungana (30s, 23 KOS) perform the wall in tokyo, Japan.

The wind-like 5’8 “Nakanana, 27, using his Palup to put the CAB on the top of the biggest cycle. It hurts to return In his feet, and the remali michael gridd was left the competition. The official of the stop of the hold of 3:04 of the third.

Not fit in the corresponding

It didn’t cost much, but CEELLED had a big porch and was dressed, and to throw as a collection. Na Madatatio and the attachments were picked up as he would work on ahead. It is like shooting duck. There is no contester contest. 118-LB subsidy is so weak at this time, what is the best to be the most difficult for nascanisani to lead to circumstances.

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With winning, Martinananian will focus on the price in the IBF Belt-hold Rysuke Nashida (10th, 2 Kos) in the society. This is this model what is the fence of the quality of Bantamweight the current area. Nishida, 28, just at 10 drops below his bundle, but he was Ibf Tower in the Free World Kingdom;

Nakanani hope cannot be lighted in this division before the super boamwee is the champions’ to collect the whole bands because It can take many three years.

AGong of the monsters

One good thing can come out of those naganatani’s Time-Insumoated goal of trying not to accept this fierce talented talents that are the age of 31 All of their sweet sesils, will be more parents, more uncomfortable, which is even more intelligent. The knowledge of Junto’s part of ‘Year’ of the monster, but there are bravery but not courageously.

Refreshed to 02/24/2025

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