Frout results: Kenshiro ‘the ordinary father’s female’ teraji stops holds

WBC World Heroweight Champion Kenshiro ‘of the student’ Teraji’s Back on Tokigaka, Japan.

Teraji, 25-1 (16) decrease Akii, 21-3-11 (11) to 1:31 of 12th and later circles. In the second roundale’s magi In the hand, they laughed off to swimmimming in one. To eight of the cycle of the clippings that went to the next round.

Teraji kill half of the DZen that he could not bending the hell and the length and later he created it in Achan. There are many punches later from Teraji and Referee Pakkoaaar battles. Teraji was behind the strategies at the end of 108-106, 105-104 and 105-104.

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WOO World Footweight Champion Anthony Anthony ‘EASYAGES, 19-3 (12) by 12-round options.

Tits There were 116-810, 1289 and 114-113. The Attorney Hiram Rivera


It has been 1184010,1, 117-11 and 116-112. The lawyer of Benjamianzz

Bantianight Yoymaya, 1-0 (1) Boonsang Gyoutangi: 14-4) at 2:34.

In the second round, Tsubbos were the store in no protection, stopped him.

The Bagka Naugano, 0-1) lights, in SouthPOW Takumi EPUMY of Ebina, 2-1) by the round.

Two 38-37, 38-37 and 38-37.

Welterweight Junya Neemoto, 0-1) Four Rounds Operation.

The throw was 39-37, 39-37 and 40-36

Refresh to 03/13/2025

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