Last week, Hackers stole around $ 1.4 billion in Cryptocurrencity ethereum from Bybit Exchange CryptoTrusted to be the largest Knight’s heist in history. Now, the company offers a total of $ 140 million in a gift for anyone can help and freeze stolen funds.
CEO CEO Bybit and Funder Ben Zhou Announce bounty In this post on the X on Tuesday.
On the best official siteBybit comes that someone tracks and free the stolen funds, 5% of these amounts to the person who finds, and 5% to “the entity”.
When writing, thank you for the five-hunters, Bybit has given $ 4.23 million in the prize, according to the site, the logo is a kid’s leader North KAMO Kim Jong-Un.
Contact us
Do you have more information about bybit hack, or other crypto heams? From unable to use and tissues, you can contact Lorenzo Franceschi-Bccchierai safely in Signal at +1 917 2517 257 1382, or through Lecture @lorenizofb, or EmailSee rankings-. You can also contact techcrroch over SecureSee rankings-.
“We will not stop until lazarus or a bad actor in the industry is removed. At home, we will open up the victims of another Lazarus,” Zhou wrote, referring to Group of LazarusThe name of the cyberkus industry has been assigned to the Korea Bucks Bucks in the Cryptocurrency the Cryptocurrency the Cryptocurrency the Cryptocurrency the Cryptocurrency the Cryptocurrency the cryptocurrency the cryptocurrency the cryptocurrency thefts.
Various Security and Capto Security and Kripto Monitoring believe hackers behind the heist owed materials in the North Korean governmentThose in the years have become very effective for target Crypto exchange and web3 company, steal $ 650 million in Crypto in 2024, According to the Government in the United States, Japan, and South KoreaSee rankings-.
Day Wednesday, Zhou Bybit Issuing the early results From the forensic investigations in hack, led by two companies, Jordan and variants. Sygnia concluded that “the root base” of the attack is the malicious code from the infrastructure of SafeWalletCrypto’s purse platform. Verichains says light javascript files replaced with evil version “special target wallet cold bybit bybit.”
The two security companies both conclude that hackers violates the developer devices in the safallet, like The company itself is confirmedSee rankings-.