Chinese foods impose while mourners tries to funnel noodles

Chinese foods are reported to gather an unwanted destination – a funeral home – after a noodle dish served with canteen in the canteen of social media.

The dishes appear in the Erlong Funeral House in the southwestern province of Guizhou.

The canteen treated funeral customers at the funeral, but as the word began to spread about noodles, dinner hosts – as mourners – began to show up to try to test food.

Erlong has since been announced that it will allow some public members who eat its place, as long as they do cannot interfere with real mourners.

Funeral Home offers various kinds of noodles dishes during breakfast and dinner times, worth 10 yuan every bowl ($ 1.09).

The most famous type is reported that noodles are mainly chopped pork and nuts.

A wrong worker tells Jiupi News that they “serve only customers to go home to the funeral to resolve things”.

But some people searching to get a bowl noodles, the worker said, adding that sometimes some time to get their food.

“There are people who are pretending to have relatives of the deceased, they are hard to say when it is attracted, and it is difficult to handle,” he said.

To meet the demand, the funeral home has since decided to offer 50 bowls of noodles to public members every day – according to the chef of the people in a local media interview.

Drifting for noodles appeared to have started early this month if a social media user posted about the dishes while visiting a friend in Guizhou, known for its sour dish and sour of its dishes.

“My friend says that food in this funeral home is very good,” they wrote this month in Xiahonhonshu, also known as rednote. “Some food for food is higher than some to put flowers for the deceased.”

“I didn’t eat noodles, because my friend’s mom didn’t know anyone with a funeral service.”

Since then, many social social media users share their experiences eating with noodles.

In Douuyin, the Chinese version of the Gold, a user contributes a photo of the dining room tickets, with a flock that has been in food.

“I heard the noodles here are very good,” they wrote. “I wonder how short life is, and got another bowl.”

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