China Woos Bangladesh on the trip to Beijing

A 22-member Bangladeshi delegation of political leaders, activated civil society, academic and journalist began in the 10-day visit to China.

They will talk to Chinese government officials and senior members of the ruling communist party, a delegation that has been confirmed by BBC.

Analysts say China makes repetition while diplomatic tensions are raised between Bangladesh and India on various issues.

It includes the graveyard of Bangladeshi Sheikh Hasina living in India’s exile. Dhaka asked his extradition but Delhi refused.

Abdul Mousa Khan, a senior officer from Bangladesh National Party Party (BNLP) leading the Beijing delegation, told BBC: “It was a good visit to the BBC, BBC started.”

“It’s amazing because China this time invites a team that represents various groups in Bangladesh.”

Many of the delegation members from BNP and its allies. The BNP, led by former Prime Minister Begum Minister of Khaleda Zia, one of the main parties in Bangladesh, outside the Awami League led by Hasina.

The delegation also included many representatives from the student’s movement that began to rise against Hasina later the Prime Minister was expelled in August.

An interim government, led by the Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus today is in charge.

It urges India to return to the Hazina to face cases of crimes against man and making money, among other allegations. UN says Hasina’s government cracking to protesters killed about 1,400 people.

So far India does not show an indication of extraditing hashen, which denies charges.

Delhi and Dhaka continued close relationships in the 15-year rule of MS Hasina, which was widely seen in his critics as pro-India. As close relationships in Delhi continued, he balanced it in his relationship with Beijing.

After the fall of the Hazina, Beijing raised the interaction with the leaders of Bangladeshi, activist and delegation, including Islamist parties.

Visiting this week follows a meeting between Bangladesh Interim policy policy policy policy policy and in China Minister Minister Wang in Beijing in January.

It also marked the second time BNP officials visited China in recent months, after Beijing hosted a BNP delegation last year.

With political vacuum and loss of Indian influence, analysts say, Beijing tried to grow up in Bangladesh, a country of about 170 million people.

China is Bangladesh’s largest trading partner with bilateral trading worth around $ 24bn (£ 19bn) – most of the Chinese people’s interests in Chinese country.

The military in Bangladeshi is also severely dependent on Chinese equipment and ammunition with more than 70% of the supplies from China.

Compared to Across in Beijing, India has limited interactions with interim government government and other political leaders in Bangladeshi in the last six months.

BNP produces a protest in December who charges India interference with internal items in Bangladesh by hosting the Hasina. Some government administrator advisers also criticize Delhi to the same issue.

This criticism reveals sharp reaction from Delhi.

Foreign Minister Minister of India Subrahmanam Jaishankar said last week That’s up to Bangladesh to decide the “what kind of relationship they want us”.

He describes India’s criticism through Bangladeshi and politicians and politicians “completely humorous”.

Others argue that this more tense rhetoric between Dhaka and Delhi can push Bangladesh to China.

The most recent event shows Bangladesh associated with South Asian companions Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Nepal, as the target for superpowers influence the influence.

“I don’t believe India needs to think the whole subcontinent is under the influence of Delhi. The Chinese analyst in Tsinginghua University, told BBC.

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