New details of Britney Spears And his father Jamie SpearsThe conservation settlement has been revealed.
To the court documents recently obtained by PeopleBritney, 43, agreed to cover the legal bills pending Jamie for $ 2.12 million. The departure also said that the pop star paid his father’s rates in full within 60 days, as stipulated in the agreement.
According to the submission of liquidation, Britney and Jamie, 72, agreed that payments resolve any persistent dispute over the state of conservation since.
Britney did not go public to the settlement, while Jamie’s lawyers said in a statement that the patriarch “is excited that the case was resolved.”
“He has ever wanted to do what is best for Britney, whom he loves very much,” his lawyer said in a statement to People. “Jamie’s work as a conservative has been vindicated and the world knows how difficult he worked to protect -“

Britney was subjected to a tutelage directed by Jamie in 2008 after a series of personal struggles. For many years, Jamie had control over the property and the singer’s person until Jodi Montgomery assumed the paper In 2019. The 13 -year -old conservation was completed in November 2021. Britney and Jamie officially resolved their dispute in April 2024.
“It has been our honor and privilege to represent, protect and defend Britney Spears, Mathew Rosengart said in a statement to Use weekly At that moment. “Although conservation was completed in November 2021, his desire for freedom is now really complete.”
The statement continued: “Britney Spears won when the court suspended its father and Britney Spears won when its fundamental rights and its civilian freedoms were restored.”
Britney has since been altered by Jamie but recently reconciled with his mother, Lynne Spears. (Exes Jamie and Lynne, 69, share children Bryan, Britney and Jamie Lynn.)
“Britney understands that her mother would have loved her to visit for Christmas, but she only felt she was too early.” A source explained exclusively Us In December 2023, “Britney is open to repairing her relationship with Lynne, but she wants things to develop organically and not force anything.”
According to the privileged, the Crossing Star is “in a really good place” and “I would love to continue to maintain his relationship with his mother.”
Britney had claimed in his 2023 memory, The woman in me, that realized She “never wanted to see” Her parents after learning had their collection of dolls by Mrs. Alexander without warning. Since then, Lynne has denied donation of toys, even asking Britney via Instagram if he wants the collection to return. Britney denied the request.