Bridgetored Research Bridge increments $ 19m to speed up due to a diligent

Because diligence are expensive businesses, and not only in the natural investment. Even for companies trying to launch a new product or exploring partnership, finding the exact data and carry out a while, especially when making decisions that are elevated.

A new beginning Ai Bridget Research says that can make a teeth in the base of these costs and accelerate the process by using AI agent that can do data collections and research work to take place. And as part of this effort, Introduction to recently returns $ 19 million in a co-led series by Accel and Lightspeed.

CO-founded on December 2023 by CEO Hassh Saiha, the former MKKINSEY scientists on Amazon, Bridgetown can collect information, collage and the end of the data in a readily read format.

Bridgetown exploits a very excellent network and researchers often use insights: industrial expert networks can provide specific company insight or sectors. Startup partners with a show with this expert network, then use Averon AI ai to provide information for information to be found for clients.

“Because the Insiders do not have to schedule calls with humans, they can go into when and talk,” it is in the interview. “Instead of talking to one of the senior executives, you can talk to people who trains, but more … on a higher scale.”

Bridgetown’s second Agent and use Bridgetown Language Model (LLMS) next to the tool to complete the voice data, and submit the information to summarize the answer. Last, the third agent of various models using a small language model to produce the tickled interpretation of the form that can be digest, like presentations.

Using the agent, starting to say that it can produce analysis to be accompanied in 24 hours by input of a responding hundreds of respondents.

Saika clients can use Bridgetown Agent to collect your own data and perception, or can hire independent consultants or work to work with the same analysis or baines reader-.

That sounds pulling, but a large language model and ai built on top she is still a hallucinate – they just make information. So how are the investors for a reliable research with a AI Agent? Sahai said that the start of the beginning with the “sterebility” approach “and auditability”.

This means that, he explains, the client can check data and tracks each step of the agent will come to the conclusion, similar to the model “reason” AI on the outside. In addition, the sound agents recorded the conversation with interviewed experts to manually verified.

They add AI agents do not depend on one data source. However, he gather information from many resources, rendering the use of great language models, and employs a good model to process the data.

“We have not yet seen the approach before,” Saiha said. “Most platform leave you to collect the required information, and will then be processed for you.”

Bridget, not the first to finish this opportunity to make a simpler madness – we’ve got the beginning Canteen mako and Diligentiq in place. However, the other platform thinks the platform does not give a solution that is quite complete.

Bridgetown Research has two customers in the UK and twelve in the US Capital and the fund of the highest capital, the company consulting, and a large company with a pipeline M & A.

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