Bethhenny FrankelThe experience trying A cocktail alternative with THC infusion became a wild walk.
“So, I haven’t read the bottle and now I am listening to you that a serving is an ounce and a half and I had eight to 10,” said Frankel, 54, on a Tuesday, March 11, Tiktok Video. “I had, like four servings of … the alternatives of alcohol. I had four servings in the first attempt. Yes, welcome. This could be fun.”
Frankel also titled his load, “Ruh Roh”.
Several hours earlier, Frankel had given a review of a product today, which is advertised as a cannabis infusion alternative to drink alcohol.
“I think they have cans, I don’t know, but this is a magnificent bottle and an alternative way to serve -” began Frankel video. “He is, for now, a cocktail ready to drink. Welcome, to see. … The packaging makes it look like we are imitating alcohol, but I feel that he has a sweetness. I don’t know if this is a full service drink or mix it with something.”
After pouring the drink into a crystal tumbler, Frankel proclaimed that he had a “pretty” aroma and taste.

“Beautiful,” he sprinkled after taking a sip. “It is giving a better flavor coconut water. Oops, what the hell do you have here? Divine! ”
Frankel’s Time-Lapse video offered a update later that night after the Thc infused drink.
@bethennyfrankel Wow very nice #i #nowadays #Sobercuri #relaxed #Bethennymademebuyit #Bethennymademetryit #yourewelcome #Ferthepeopos
“Definitely glass,” he set aside. “I mean, I had thirst as it is, and I housed it. So, if there is more updates, I will update you, but I am glazed. I am ready to bathe -me, wash my face, put in my pajamas and peace.”
It Real housewives in New York City Alum later said that the whole experience was “wonderful” and that it made me very relaxed. “
“He made me very deeply relaxed so that he would not (and) for longer than me,” Frankel explained. “There are no obsessions, just as a deep meditative relaxation in the bathroom where I did not make it chopped out. Immediately yes.”
Frankel, of whom Skinnygirl brand It produces a line of alcoholic cocktails ready to drink, then blamed his job Danielle as he felt.
“This is Danielle’s fault,” Frankel left in a follow -up Tiktok Video. “Last week, I saw this product and I said,” Are you imitating alcohol or is a drink like Skinnygirl? “She was like:” It has a taste like a cocktail. “