BBC back, Khartoum

The BBC heard the evidence of the cruelty done by withdrawal of warriors in a war burning for the control of Sudan’s capital city.
The city was held at Paraadiary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) since the beginning of the country’s violent country war for almost two years ago – but the army believed to be on tracking the rest.
Change of capital can be a great victory for the military and a warfare, even if itself does not end the conflict.
In recent weeks, mostly surrounded Khartoum, from the south after the center of central Sudan, and cleaning the city districts in the north and east, pressed the rest of the RSF.
Many areas of recovered territory are completely destroyed.
We boarded the past block after blocking damaged and rescued buildings – some of them jumped on fire, many bullet holes

Pavements in front of them are fitted with vandalized vehicles, pieces of discarded furniture, the washes left of stolen goods and other debris.
Despite areas not opened, fresh terror.
At Haj Yusuf, a district of Khartoum east of the river Nile, the residents depict the chaos and violence that fled civilians.
“It was a surprise, they suddenly arrived,” said Intisar Adam Soleiman.
Two of his sons, 18-year-old Muzamil and 21-year-old Mudather, sitting at home with a friend. The soldiers told them to the RSF, then shot them behind the entrance to the gate, said Ms Suleniman.
The Muzamil escaped a bullet injury to his feet but “our friend died immediately”, he told me.
“Then men want to go into the house, and my mother tried the door, pushing and pushing. I went to my friend, but I didn’t save him.”

Mudather died on the next morning because hospital’s blood was hospitalized by a high power outage and he could not get the transfer he needed.
Ms. Suleiman says he knows the soldiers of the RSF and join them before to try and increase violence.
One of them said to him: “We die, we are men of death.”
He said he told them: “If you have come for death, this is not the place for death.”
Yet many deaths were what Ms. Suliman saw in this war.
Many people died, he said: “I’m used to the traumas.”
Some blocks away, Asma Mubarak Abdel Karim told me and a group of women caught in the fight while the Sudanese Forces were closed.
He said they were faced by withdrawing RSF soldiers who accused them of being with the military because they went to a territory market held by the Army.
“They shot the ground around us, around our feet,” He said, he said how they pulled out a woman in an empty house and raped him.
He said that the RSF fighter holds the Gunpoint woman and told him: “Come with us.”
He beat him with his weapon, says Ms. Karim.
“And then we heard the shooting and the man who sent him to: ‘Get it! Do it! Do it!’ Then the conflict with us was getting better and we couldn’t hear – bullets fell into the area, so we kept inside the house. “

She wiped tears when asked what was the best thing about the situation for her now.
“Security,” he said softly, “the best thing is certainty. They hurt us so much.”
A RSF spokesman has refused reports, saying that the group controlled this area for two years “no more crimes” and that the “many killings” were reported in military removed areas.
The army and ally milisias were accused of increasing violence in the reversal territory, especially central Gezira State.
The UN and the two parts have been committed to war crimes, but RSF is recognized for criticism of mass rape and genocide accusations.
Not only the RSF soldiers who acted in progress.
Leading officers left their houses at nearby suburb of Karfuri.
The RSF Emite contains itself in Khartoum’s Tchureum’s before the paramilitary group and the army changes each other in April 2023 in a war for control.
Karfuri is now more vulnerable and completely robbed.
Even the house of the RSF representative Abdel Rahim Hamdan was over, and a brother’s leader, was not saved.
The large swimming pool in the yard scattered in the trash.
Sofas in the wide rooms were beaten, windows broken, jewelry boxes naked, the door of a hip safely removed.
The army says most of the RSF senior leadership today outside the town, and that the fighting in Khartom are the soldiers of Khartoum and soldiers of low soldiers.

The military told us to use drones to throw the leaflets that encourage the remaining warriors to leave instead of road road.
The samples shown us wrote in Arabic but also French, apparently ordered by foreign warriors from neighboring Chad.
“Give your weapon, change civilian clothes, and leave the place to save your life,” as one.
In Khartoum North, closer to the Nile, the RSF was targeted for several months ago, but the calm is often punctured by summer fires in group positions across the river.
Many people here say that they finally feel safe to fall asleep at night but still takes stock of great damage.
Zeenab Osman Al-Haj showed me the destruction of his house, the PRF fighters told me to come at night and destroy the door if he does not open it.
“They filled their backpacks, and even my supply of food, sugar and my flour and my oil, soap,” before the house burned, he said.
“It is not a war,” he said, teaching the ashes where the library was standing in his brother-in-law.
“It’s riot: have stealing and stealing and stealing, so.”
Some streets we met Hussein Abbas.
He was about 70 years old, walking with a stick and dragging a wide suitcase to an empty road to a sky on fire.
He told us he moved three times since leaving the capital of seven days after the war began.
“Once I go here I almost cried,” he said, while tears started to roll his cheeks. “Within two years, two years I haven’t seen this place. We suffer from many, extreme suffering.”
Saves like Mr Abbas slowly returns to try and salvage their houses.
The army has a long hand today in this terrible war, but there is a lot of suffering to come for people in Sudan.

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