Avoiding Trump rates, some Chinese companies moved to the place of “Special Economic Site” of Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia – Our CBS News team led CBS news about two hours from the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh. The moments later, we had a huge arch with signposted signal in two languages ​​- the local Khmer and, under the Chinese.

The “Special Economic Zone” that rises from the dirt “had no mistakes. We approached a furniture factory, in which Chinese managers invite us to shoot some videos.

The production facility, which makes Otomans, went to Cambodia from China about a month ago.

We asked the neighbors to the economic area and said most moving companies are Chinese. It is a driving incentive behind the relocation of manufacturing operations to avoid tariffs on Chinese goods, and there are many companies that choose investment.

Fathom is a difficult scale of the industrial park that grows south of Cambodia. The construction kilometers continue to do.

The US-Chinese trade war is Chinese investment in China from China to 600 miles from China.

In 2016, the President Trump took charge for his first term, the exports of Cambodia deserved about $ 3 million in the United States. Last year they exceeded $ 13 Billion, replacing almost 30% of the country’s GDP.

The Cambodian Government says that more than half of the country’s workshops is the Chinese owner – a total investment worth $ 9 billion.

“It’s the way to prevent US rates,” Casey Barnett, Cambodian Chamber of Chamber of Chamber of Cambodia, told CBS News.

While the Chinese companies operate in Cambodia US ratesThe rules are behaving technically. But as the Trump administration puts China on its economic cross, Cambodian concerns are concerned that the economy in the country can suffer.

“They are completely dependent on the exports of the United States, and the vulnerable goals could be,” Barnet said.

The owner of the owner of Mr. Huang would be destructive. He could easily accept Trump President from the point of view of his Chinese goods, but made in Cambodia – with new rates.

No news came, Huang created the Cambodian store 20 years ago, tax breaks and lower capitalization of the country, while still working in China. But when the trade war began in 2018, all the operations carried to Cambodia.

The CBS news told the news that 60% of his business is in the US market, including Walmart and Costco.

Huang said the incoming orders were multiplied since the Lord Trump announced his new rates in China, the last round of Tuesday.

US China Trade War Climbing

Mr Trump set a 10% blanket Rate in Chinese imports In early February, draw revenge measures China 15% of the imported US Settlement coal and natural gas, with a 10% rare with crude oil, agricultural machinery and cars. Last week, the Lord Trump threatened China in every other 10% import, which would have in force on Tuesday.

Mr. Trump has established rates in China, says Beijing’s Fetching Fetching Fetches to the US

Already, Beijing plans more counterweight.

“China examines and forms important compositions at Chinylyl,” Times Global Times, mostly named the Communist Party.

“Contrastructors will probably have rates and rare measures, and US agriculture and food products will probably be listed,” said newspapers.

CBS news arrived at the White House for comments and updated with any answer.

Unless the war is scaled, when the Lord Trump focuses on its economic weapon, Huang said CBS News will probably be his neighbors in the country.

“Of course,” said the employer. “Many people tell me that they need a factory building, they need to move immediately because they think taxes are up.”

He believes that trade war will be scaled, and convinced Cambodia and other countries in Southeast Asia for Chinese manufacturers.

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