Australia reviews an environmental news of an influence of America’s influence

The Home Minister says that a video manufacturer posted with a video with Marsuel cannot wait for the ‘back of back’ to see.

Australia is reviewing the status of an American content maker Visa that posted a video of his own video to take a video away from his mother.

Now in the deleted video, Sam Jones appeared to pick up the Marsupial, and on the back of the mother, he was running on a road while walking behind the mother.

Jones, who describes “playground enthusiasts” and “Hunter” on social media, “I have caught a baby,” in the video.

“Okay, Mamma is there and she feels bad, let’s go to him,” then Jones says before putting the animal on the other side of the road.

It was not clear when or where the video was shot.

On Thursday, Housing Minister Tony Burke said that his department was reviewing the incident to decide whether Jones has violated her condition.

“I cannot wait for Australia to look at this person’s back, I don’t expect it to come back,” Berke said in a statement.

For comment, al -Jazira could not reach Jones after the debate, who kept her Instagram account in private.

The video led to a fast reaction among those who joined the protests with Prime Minister Anthony Albannis and Foreign Minister Penny Wong in Australia.

“They are not kangaro. They don’t run fast. They are gentle, beautiful animals, “Albanz told reporters.

“It is just an outcry to have a baby from the mother and obviously harassing the baby from the mother.

“I suggest this so -called impact, maybe she will probably try some other Australian animals. Take the baby crocodile from his mother and see how you go there. “”

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