The recipe app developer is only gaining new competition. Friday, Apple introduce Features that can be launched for Apple News + Food, a new section that allows users to find, locate, saving, and easy cooking recipes from the Saturday + Publications.
This is set to play as part of iOS 18.4 and is 18.4 in April, but only in the US, English, Canada, and Australia.
Instead of building a stopping recipe application that can import content from all the web-like blogs or video categories – foods offer provided News + Publist Apple.

When launched, Apple the goal has north part 30 publishers in space, from 20 are now tested. The mitran that is a famous brand as the allececipe, bon appétit, food & wine & wine, good food, good home, is good, and more. Tens of thousands of recipes will be available through Apple News + food services, NOTE NOTES.
New experience allows Apple’s publication partners get content in front of the consumer’s more consumers when Google’s ability Referring to traffic traffic directly On a stopping website.
IPhone and iPad users will be able to find new food sections by scrolling in the Apple News App Feed. Here, they will find the prescription shown, they are compiled by Apple’s editorial team, followed with related foods and stories, prescription recipes, and prescription recipes.
Apple note chooses the selected and recipe of foods as well as for users who do not subscribe to Apple + news +.

Apple News Services + Food subscription service is accessible in many ways.
You can tap the “Food” link in the Fena tab in the Famen tab on the “food” from the following tabs. (The latter is more than you want to read the article and go to the recipe .)
In food + food, the user will see the recipe shown, which is updated daily, along with the recommended story related to the importance. These personalization increases more users to participate in the app.
Other curated parts include connecting receptacles or other types of collection of recipes, as they are equal to a particular Panebbit, or focusing on some types of chickens or a meal.
As a recipe browsing user, it can choose to save the recipe directly to the news application for later references.

If the user is specific, the Food + Recipe catalog is a narrow search case like various filters like various filters like various filters like various filters like various filters Like various Filters like various filters like various filters like various filters like “” “filters filters are also available to find a saved prescription.
The recipes itself is formatted into clutter and free ad-free, is also easy to read – the experience is more common on the web today.
Important information – Includes materials, steps, information, cooking time, service, and more – pulled and displayed in the form of publisher.

Other Apple features are added as well. One allows you to touch the materials to see the required amount without having to scroll back to the list of materials. To allow you to touch the cooking time in the prescription guide to start the time automatically on your iPhone or you.
Special public modes are available, displaying prescription on full screen with larger text so you can follow the instructions by tapping minimum and scroll. In this mode, the screen will remain, even if the device is usually set to disable the screen after time.

One thing apple News + Food has not been, but the ability to enhance or stored from the whole web, there is a tool for importing or from other applications. You may not save the immediate prescription of social media, although a lot of home cheeses are now looking for a recipe in space like Tiktok and Instagram reels.

With the Apple News + Giant, technology giant continues to sign in with a third-party app ecosystem that produces profits through Purchase Mac Store. Extra Last to the Apple app line during the past year or include the party planning app An invitationiOS 18 is new Password App, the Application of Sportsand the phone JournalFor example.
Unlike the independent developer, Apple can provide a new application that should not be supported by other business models except for the iPhone sales. This dropped a smaller and indie developer with a distinct loss.
In case of Apple’s news + food, publishers are not expanded for recipes, techncranch knows. However, the experience is an additional relationship with Apple with an iPhone partner, where the iPhone manufacturer returns the income by sales on the advertisement articles with a sales of 30% offering.
New services require Apple + subscriptions, which is $ 12,99 monthly in the US, £ 12.99 in English, $ 16.99 in Canada, and $ 19.99 in Australia. That includes access to more than 400 magazines, newspapers, and digital publishers.