Shipping Smartwatch in India dipped each year for the first 2024, as consumers move away A brand that is low, unknownSee rankings-. But Apple crawl a broader trend, with a 2,4x reported growth in the year.
According to Data Of Indian Firmist analysis, Indian Smartwatch Shipment drop 30% year in 2024. Alerts of calm sales Emerged last yearBecause the market is flown with an unknown brand. The trend with a stunning domestic player defined, reduces innovation as a result.
As a bigger market, Apple Watch see 141% increase in shipping last year. The growth of spraying 57% decrease for companies in 2023, according to the counterpoint.

Anki Jain’s ankle is not used for technology that can be used in the past, “a better user, and better intentional intent on the device.
“We look forward to the trends that grow up to continue in 2025,” she added.
Growth in apple watching Apple’s shipping using with market developing iPhone in the country. Apple appeared as one of the largest-five smartphones vendors in India, with stock approximately 10% on Q4.
However, the latest growth growth is finally impact on the distance from 35 Million Small Posted in India last yearAccording to the IDC. Counterpoint, which does not show the absolute shipping figure, telling tech tech if Apple’s watch includes 2% of the SmartWatch market all over 2024.
Successful Apple Watch Expedited Apparel Premium Premium Premium (price above $ 230) in India, with 147% growth. Series 10 is the highest model, followed by 9. Apple watching the cumulative was taken 50% of the total premium tirely premium segment in the country, each counter.
Samsung and OnePlus is another major player in the premium segment year ago, with a 4% and 1%, respective market segment.