AI coding Assistant Assistant reported to tell ‘Vibe Coder’ to write your own work code

As a business competition to change agents with AI “,” Assistant Coding can also give us a look at the attitude bot may work.

The cursor reported to inform the user by the name “Jinswist” if he had to write the code, but did not trust the cursor to do it for her.

“I can’t produce the code for you, because it will be able to develop your own logic. This guarantees you know the system,” Janslor said to the “Vibe” code with the tool.

Become a janaswist submitted Bug report In Product Product Forum: “The cursorit told I had to learn coding instead of getting to produce,” and it includes the screen screen. Bug reports then virus Hacker News, and covered Ars Tecknica.

Jinswist speculated if she pressed some hard limitation at 750-8800 code lines, even if more users answered that the cursor would write another code from that for her. One comment suggested that the janswist should use the integration of “Meeting” Cursor, which can be used for larger coding jobs. Anyphere could not be reached for a comment.

But it rejected the cursor as well as horrible as newbie’s earned to ask when asked questions about Overflow Forum Forum Program, someone else at Hacker News.

Suggestions are the cursor trained on the site, it may study not only coding tips, but the human snark.

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