A real life flying car in the sky flight

A US Aeronautical company releases footage showing a concept version of the vehicle flight that makes a vertical extraction of an SUV.

Jim Dukhobny, the CEO of Alef Aeronautics, telling Senior Techerter in BBC technology Chris Faclance, which he has thousands of pre-orders and is expected to start production within 12 months.

At approximately $ 300,000 (£ 237,000) says the company says buyers get a car flying electricity with a predicted airborne range in 110km (68 miles). But bringing a friend for a spin can prove trick – the cockpit has enough place for one and a half people.

As the points of Valtice, aeronautics are not only intending to make flying cars out of buyers, and there are many harrop technologies and regulations to overcome.

Ian Casey’s video and Serene Khalifeh

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