A former reality TV star just won Alaska’s longest ever Iditarod, a tough 10-day race

Alaska Nome (AP) – Former reality TV star Jessie Holmes wins the longest everIditarod Trail Sled Dog CompetitionOn Friday, the crowd celebrating with fists cheered and took photos with his two garlands of alumni Hercules and Polar.

Sherlock Holmes first came to the finish line at the gold-scue town of Nome in Bering ocean coastal. ContestBegins on March 3 in FairbanksAfter the lack of snow, the route and starting point change.

This brings the usual 1,000-mile (1,609 km) race to a staggering 1,129 miles (1,817 km) in the Alaska wilderness. Holmes completed within 10 days, 14 hours, 55 minutes and 41 seconds.

“It’s hard to speak, but it’s a magical feeling. Now, this is not the moment. It’s all these moments along the trail,” Sherlock Holmes said shortly after crossing the finish line.

Holmes is the eighth-time rival Holmes, which has been in the top 10 five times before, including last year and 2022. In his first Iditarod, in 2018, his seventh place earned him the rookie of the year honors.

Born and raised in Alabama, Sherlock Holmes left at the age of 18 and worked as a carpenter in Montana for three years. He arrived in Alaska in 2004 and discovered an adventure running dog in a remote part of the Yukon River.

“It’s been a really amazing 10 days and I’ve soaked in every part of it – lows, highs, Bateways. …I’m really proud of these dogs, I love them. They do. They deserve all the credibility,” Sherlock Holmes said.

He pays homage to his two lead dogs, Hercules, his semi-righteous dog and Polar, saying: “He is the brain behind the surgery.”

Sherlock Holmes now lives in Nena, where he worked as a carpenter and lived a lifestyle. From 2015 to 2023, he was an actor on “Zero Life” a National Geographic Project that chronicles the struggles of Alaskas living in remote parts of the state.

Apart fromMissing snowNorth of the Alaska Range, forcing the starting point to Fairbanks, race organizers must also change the beginning of Anchorage.

As snow builds into the streets of the state’s largest city, the usual parade routes have been reduced from 11 miles to below 2 miles (from about 18 kilometers to below 3.2 kilometers).

There are only 33 times in Fairbanks, tied for the smallest field ever in 2023. The decline in participants has raised concerns about the feasibility of race, which must be associated with inflation, climate change andPressure of animal rights groups.

A dog died in this year’s Iditarod: A pregnant woman on Musher Daniel Klein’s team, who was subject to the rules of the game for her death.

Nearly one-third of Mushers quit early, including eight scratched people and two people who were withdrawn for being uncompetitive.

This story was originally fortune.com

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