Can employees teach poker skills to help businesses?

Euro – Poker participants are focusing on workplace, thanks to a passionate card that has decided to share his skills sharing skills, to help employees undergo strategic thinking.

When it comes to Poker, Jo Living knows about the table. He grew up around the cards, as the two parents were bridge teachers. He told the CBS news that could be confused at the age of five. But he never took his hand to play poker until 30 years old, and he never fell in love with the game almost 10 years ago to go to Morocco.

“I was pregnant and sat in a four-male casino in the morning to win the international international poker tournament,” CBS News used to teach the game skills when he sat on a poker table. He gave a great idea to win in Africa.

The living began organizing home games and the male mastered game began to teach his female friends and “he quickly saw confidence, closing customer agreements and landing promotions.”

Mix a few years earlier and life created his company, aces high. Poker workshops goes through the UK, aimed at staff, and especially aimed at women – to rise during a wide range of businesses in their game.

“People think about bluff and bravado, but it really has a lot of female skills,” he said. “There are so many Poker table skills At the room table, negotiation, communication, is transferable to listening depth. “

Jo Living (right), Aces Altar, gives Poker Tutorial in the London stone media office.

CBS News

Steping Stone Media had one of the latest companies to get an ACES makeover, circling Poker Tables in the London office, to make bets make cards, sellers and chips.

“I mean.

Mynard said everything was, if your staff would help to play the best job.

“I love to take the idea of ​​taking poker and how we can return to think about ourselves and hope to develop our skills and read our skills,” CBS News said.

More than a dozen employees sat around poker boards, others new games, others, as the living, decision-making, take risks, take risks and playing decision-making exercises.

Jimi Sotimehin Jimi Sotimehin has worked on World Poker Series, says he loves to take the game to workplace.

“I’ve had the best home seat, I never miss!” He’s joking.

ACES High events, there is no money in the game. Fries are made of chocolate. Living says it’s betting yourself … what kind of hand you deal with.

High workshop workshops during the UK is looking for franchise and eventually to the US

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