BBC Africa Health Cellus

More than 500 MPOs patients have been away from the clinics of the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo in the last month between the present conflict.
Africa Center officials for disease control and avoiding (a leading health agency), said they concern 900 people in Dr Congo last year.
Patients fled from rubber and bukavu facilities – two cities going downhill while they were arrested by Rwanda rebels in previous weeks.
“We have been stolen. We have lost our equipment. It is a disaster,” Dr. Muundo, in charge of a rubber clinic, speaks BBC.
Mpox – used to be known as monkeypox – can cause symptoms such as injuries, headaches and fever.
According to Africa CDC, since the beginning of this year is nearly 2,890 cases of MPOX and 180 killed the country, which is in the center of many new outbreaks.
Dr. Muhindo described how patients flown to the mundung at the rubber’s health center in the end of January.
Her health workers do not track such clinical clinical chambers destroyed, he said.
In Bisengimana, a rubber hospital also treats MPOOX, the loolers take drugs and personal protective equipment.
Films are lit outside the center and if the perpetrators left, the medical patients are left over the floor.
The situation is more complicated by the M23 decision to close a network of rubber camps which tens of thousands of people fight in recent years.
They are given 72 hours leaving last weekAlthough M23 later says it is an encouraging “volunteer return”.
“Now we are afraid of an epidemic burst of areas returned to displaced people,” Dr. Muhindo said.
His fears echoed in Africa CDC.
“Once again, we call for a ceasefire and also the agency to build a humanitarian advocate,” Dr. Ngashi is the MPOX head of MPOX in MPOX, Thursday said.

Over the past week, Africa CDC says the number of lost mpoox patients risen 100 as the rebels take and rebels take additional territory.
Dr Mongo added a new MPOX variant with “high potential for higher transmissions” also found in Dr Congo.
The country’s ability to respond to disease-restricted disease, between M23 and Dr Conge Congo, as well as a lack of funds.
The Mugfox facility in Mugunga, funded by UN Agency Agency Agency (UNICEF) and UK Aid Direct, managed to last week.
But it was overstretched with times when four or five patients should share a bed.

“I first flew from the rubber minova when the M23 rebels came from there,” Sadiki Bichichi Aristide, was 23-year-old, told the BBC.
“I began to fall sick in a (Camp for displaced people). It started with my fingers, and then I had lesions, which began to rupture on my hands. My neighbor told me to go to Mugunga with my children. I left my wife behind.”
She said she saw “so many” people with mpox before she arrived at the clinic last week.
Dr Ommani Rofi, UNICEF’s rubber specialist that the BBC is the only reason to open the hospital hospital because staff has made some equipment and medications from the looters.
But this is not what happened to many other treatments completely saved, he said.

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