Is there reverential Duteer Bvile her respect?

Return to 2022, Wai Ambrame Light Champing Chambiol is the “Beister of the year, NoS Teas, Nos of the 115-113.

In Northert, six months later, Bvol Gilbert destroyed “Zirdo” Ramirez, 440-0, in Erihad Amna, Aba10. Ramirez becomes a WBA and WBOGOGOLOWEOIGHT CHAMPION.

In December 2023, Tila, Lands Scattering in the Great Year 120-15 to the Arabic government.

On the June 2024, Bivol Zanad, 22-0, Lika and Malpe the six rounds in the Arabic kingdom.

In October, Bivl Lose a Great Decision to WBC, WBO, and IBF World’s Light The Author has made Wivol. Sa i ai i le Malo o Wina, Riyadh, o Saudi Arara, ma le tele o 116-112, 11-113, ma 11-7-114.1-112.111111-10.

In February 2025, Bivol Valueviev to a deduction, win the many results of the most ending of the same points lost in the first points. Which found a place of speedy loss and allow the tivo that reward IBF, IIbo, WBC, WAK. Bivol improved his 24-1-1 reference.

The future can contain a third game and Beatbiev, the game and uncertain Waba world lights and wbc interming davy

Shall you give everything to bring respect to it?

“8-4, 7-5, two things the Domory BIVOL. He had to win the first time. Therefore, you don’t usually have two Maximum Process ProgramThe response to Bivol is wins on beatbiev. “It is 1-1, but the non-double use of two no two.

“The two of the two works. Artur Beaterbiev is a particular person. The other outer person is the Civarez Alvrez,” SMATHI says in the Change of Bver and Beatbiev . “I’m not saying that the other weather. He has his own plans, but what is it important.”

Refreshed to 02/24/2025

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