A secret service at the beginning of the US suffering from John F Kennedy’s limousine on Dallas’s fire, and described by the famous pictures of the US historical events, killed in the age which is 93.
Clint Hill later became a better author, but asked for decades by the guilt of Kennedy’s murder.
Hill died in his home in California Friday, according to a statement from his public public.
On 22 November 1963, he was assigned to protect President’s wife, Jacqueline Kennedy.
The hill rides a car behind the Kennedy Limousine when the first shot falls.
She quickly hurried to the couple and began to climb back the limousine as the shooting continued.
The actions of the hill during the murder captives Zaprunder film – an amateur video at home giving one of the best shooting recording.
Hill, from North Dakota, served in the army before participating in the secret service in 1958.
He was given an award for his Dallas actions and finally risen to be assistant director of secret service.
However, the trauma he had experienced in killing killed him retiring early from the agency in 1975, at the age of 43.
He convinced that he could survive Kennedy’s life and soon after his retirement was told CBS 60 minutes he felt responsible.
“If I react about five-tenths of the second fastest, perhaps a second faster, I’m not here now,” Hill said.
“You mean you get there and you’ll take the shot?” Interviewer Mike Wallace asked.
“Yes, sir … that’s fine with me,” replied the hill.
“I have a great deal of mistake about it,” he said. “I happened in a different direction, I made it. This is my mistake.”
Over the years, the former secret service later told a documentary, he returned to Dallas, eventually he had last saved in Kennedy’s life.
Hill met the journalist Lisa McCubbin in 2009 and collaborated with a better memoir, Mrs. Kennedy and I.
This is the first of a series of books and hills and McCubbin in love. The couple married 2021.
A statement from his publisher said the hill died at home with his wife by his side. The cause of death is not given.