Ireland Application Application from Britain Hit to Post-Brexit Peak

Applications for Ireland’s citizenship from Britain have been hit by a post-brexit high year as a growing number of workers and pensioners attempted to claim “backdoor” access to EU .

The increase comes as the UK Faced with a degrading economic visibility and the prospect of exploding taxes, while European countries restrict the property market access for British investors.

British applications to foreigners’ registrants, a citizenship route for people with Irish grandparents or parents, increased 15 percent of 20,456, according to the official data shared during the financial period.

This is the highest number since the digital records in 2013, above the previous peak in 2019, in the year before the UK officer.

Immigration lawyers say the poor UK economy and the “violent” realities of post-brexit preparation brings an acute increase in workers and pensioners looking for “backdoor access” in the EU.

“British political scenery is not only reason, but it is accelerated to find some searching for a B,” says Regze Nezam, a RNL company advising FBR applications advising FBR applications.

“We expect numbers to continue to rise while the UK economy continues to be unattractive for young generations and those who approached retirement can be found with super taxes,” he added.

Lawyers suggest attacking European countries, where Britishes choose holiday or retirement in houses, access to EU shoppers.

In January, the Spanish government announced the plans to introduce a 100 percent “Super Tax” To property investors from outside the EU in a bid to increase home capability.

It follows a decision last year at “Golden Visa” SchemeA residential route for wealthy investors not EU, following Portugal and Ireland steps.

FBR applications from Britain grow for third consecutive years after falling by 2020 when British officially exited EU and Covid-19 travel restrictions began.

Úna O’Brien, Senior Associate of Sinnott Solicitors, said the application of applications shows post-brexit travel deficits that occasionally many years.

“Only from 2022 that Brexit’s reality began and British citizens began to experience severe (realities of) traveling to non-EU passports,” he added. “For some it is a case that wants a passport to Irish simply to avoid non-EU some of the airports.”

There is more minor applications through the naturalization citizen route, which depends on becoming a resident of Ireland for many years. Only 646 applications from UK citizens were held in the first eight months 2024, where data is available, account 7 percent of the total number made by this channel.

Meanwhile, more than half of the applications of 42,808 fbr last year from Britain, an acute increase from 12 percent of 5,750 applications in 2013.

The UK is the main driver of this seven-fold increase in applications for Ireland’s Chanvada in the last decade, with about 20,900 to 20,05 of 20,05.

Okeremute Okeregha, director for Irish immigration services services, cared for political roots, with “dramatic spikes set by Irish Citizenship after elections and inauguration.

“Americans explore Irelanda citizenship links as the ungrove is increasing how much life is in view of the US under the US under the US under President Trump,” he said. “Many people think there is a choice if they need to leave the US immediately and settle elsewhere.”

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