The ovens roar 24 hours a day in Argor-Heraeus refineries in southern Switzerland, entered in a new plunda poured into a new mold.
Refinery is never troubled, according to Chie Chief Edekutive Robin Kolvenbach, and the Forgry works around December of December to maintain a lot of need for 1kg GOLD Bars in New York.
“The suit adds smaller,” as the Kolvenbach. “Often a stage of peak demand lasts for one or two weeks. But external need is like we have today, which lasts over three months, unusual.”
Since December, our President Donald Trump is afraid to be torned with gold-imported imports of over $ 3,000 per record Friday. Over $ 61bn bullion poured in the US while traders scrumbled to avoid potential lions, distorting country trading data and Seizing a settlement in Londonthe largest gold trade gold trade.

The American Gold Rush staying busy with Kolvenbach, thanks to a quirk of global bullion markets: Both markets use different sizes of bars. In London, most trade is in 400-Troy-ounce bars, each with a weight of 12.5kg and broken size of a brick.
The comex exchange of New York, as opposed, using the village smartphone – its benchmark bars. That means the bars who head to Atlantic should first stop Switzerland – at home with the largest gold refineries – to melt.
In a world where financial transactions are around a part of a second, the development triangular trade promotes the market trust in gold lumps. In normal times, billions of gold dollars are sold without the bars leaving a vault.

But distortions made by radical trade policies have the system weight. Although Trump has not discussed the bullion tariffs, the small moment he can do it is enough to send the US price higher than those who are prepared to bring the metal across the Atlantic.
The last time a significant price gap opened at first pandemic periods. But New York’s gold hoard has violated even before, the Covid-era record.
“The physical nature of gold is something shortened, especially by a set of financial people selling their World Gold’s World Gold.” The gold had financial attitudes. “
Liquidy crisis
The journey of golden bars of New York is typically starting deep underground, in one of the nine golden vaults under the Bank of England in the city center of London.
If an order is placed in the retreat of gold bars, a worker goes to the vaults and “dig” the golden demands of the principles of specified bars in order. Because London was established in clay, the soft foundations of the Boe Building mean that gold could only be placed on the upper shoulder shoulder.
The process is to waste time, and result in the largest bottleneck in the supply chain for about 1kg bars. Gold-digging staff should be granted, well-trained, and strongly lifting gold bars throughout the day – so staff level cannot be easily increased in order to fulfill short demand.

The first signs of stumbling emerging in the early December, when industrial numbers gathered a dinner hosted by the London Bullion Foster Association (LBMA) in the National Gallery, and discussed the increased need to exit the US.
While merchants ran out of gold from London to New York, some of the gold withdraws from Boe soon in London market.
Short term lease rate for gold shot of Recording levels Last month, as merchants struggling to take their hands on physical metal, which increases work capital costs for businesses and manufacturers of jewerely.
“There is a strong need for deliveries in spaces,” Deputy is recognized by Boe Deputy Dave Ramsden in a press conference in February, where he admits to a rail of the building earlier in the day. “Gold is a physical asset, so there is real logistics constraints and security restrictions.”
Boe holds the bullon for many central banks, as well as commercial banks. Only 6 percent of gold in its large holes belongs to the UK Treasury.

Position of pre-famous Lonon markets in gold markets – illustrates poor ramsden – also highlights the more importance of the Gold Market Responses: Happy Backgrounds and Central Banks are parked in the bottom of Threadneedle Street.
“London has an extreme advantage, hands, and it will return to the gold standard, from the first Napoleonic war,” said Jim Steel, “Jim Steel said,” says Jim Steel, Napoleonic war, “said Jim Steel, the chiefs of Napoleonic,” said Jim Steel, “says Jim Steel,” says Jim Steel, the chief wars of Napoleonic, until the end of Napoleonic Metals Analals Andals real in HSBC. “There is a long legacy of gold operations to come out of the UK and the Bank of England.”
‘Black Swan Event’
Once they leave the Boe Vaults, bars are typically loaded into an armored truck, driven to Heathrow Airport and Flown to Zurich in the belly of a passenger plane. For insurance reasons, passengers jets carry only 5 tons of gold at a time.
From Zurich, the gold was driven by a refinery, where it melted and again, before returning to the US. The cost of the entire journey between London and New York – including transport and again – about $ 3 to $ 5 ounce, according to the World Gold Council.

Within the Refinery of Argor-Heraeus, with Swiss Town in Mendrisio near the Italian border, many gold bars melt and changed a long string “machine”. Since 400-ounce bars have “good gold” – refer to 99.99 percent of investment for sale – no need to be more refined, just reshap.
To do this, rubber gold from the casting machine is cut into parts nearly a kilogram. After a weighted weight, it melted again, poured into a mold in a kilogram-bar – then cooled, stamped and polished.
Walking around on the firdry floor, pointed to the Kolvenbach where both workers poured kilograms by the hand of the adjacent oven – the process run 24 hours a day, to meet high demand.
The refinery makes more than justifying. It also takes a rough bar from mines and refined it gold, silver and other metals – as well as making jewelry and operating a mint of gold bars. Kolvenbach explained that some of the most important building work will occur within the laboratory, which seeks all things to come to the facility.
Here within the refinery, the liquidity crisis of painful gold market has a disease effect, by pushing the rental rates for gold lent on a short basis. To minimize the capital’s capital requirements and avoid exposure to changing gold price, refineries are usually leasing most of the gold they work as they are at the factory. Suddenly drainage lease of lease in this spring increases the costs of operating Argor-Heraeus and other refineries.

Kolvenbach says it’s a “black swan event” which is the basis that changes his base cost. “It is absolutely a pain, for the whole industry, because it’s at last to be affected,” he said. Although lease rates go down from their peak in February, they are almost three times higher than normal levels.
Industry people are different explanations of why New York and London still use different gold size for their contracts.
“Does it understand? No,” says Kolvenbach. “I have the same question myself. To be honest I never found the right explanation.”
Comex tried to launch a future contract for large 400-ounce bars during the pandemic, but it did not take it.
Ruth Crownell, lbma executive, said markets well to use the same size bar in the future. “I want to think that after it, we all agree that London and New York should look in the shape and size of the bars,” he added.
However, the system will continue mostly due to inertia, argue to read.
“It certainly creates financial opportunities for all involved in this process, if they are refiners, if shippers are ready to buy kilograms bars and send them to New York,” he said.
Now, as the fears of golden tariffs decreases, the flow of gold in New York slowed down. If Trump’s Protection Push heals expensive metals, businesses expect to flow, as long as the cost of gold storage costs.
If that happens, Swiss Gold Gold Furaces will re-play time again.