Millions of people in South Asia celebrated Holi, colors with a brilliant color powder, dancing for the music of the festival, and on traditional sweets made on occasion.
The frenzy spring festival participates at the end of the winter and in the Calendoscopic festival of good over -over -Avil victory. The festival is a national holiday in India, while this is the two -day event that started in Nepal on Thursday. It has also been seen in other South Asian countries as well as Indian Diaspora.
Holi is the native of Hindu mythology and they celebrate the divine love between Hindu God and his partner Radha, which shows the time of reincarnation and rejuvenation.
All over the country, most of the white clothes were celebrated by throwing colorful powders to each other. Children, who passed away on the roof and balcony, blown up the water filled with colored pigments in the people of living.
The group of youth used water gun to pursue people on public parks and streets, while other roads danced for music music.
In some places, people threw the petals of marigold, roses and jasmine instead of colored powder.
In many parts of India, people do a great deal of bonfore at night before the festival and show the destruction of evil and the victory of good. The families gather around the flames to sing, dance and pray for Hindu deities.