The woman who accused the receiver of Kansas City Chiefs Xavier Digne of Assault has received a temporary containment order against the football star.
Lawyers for Aunt JonesA track and field athlete who used to be dignified, 21, confirmed the order The associated press On Wednesday, March 12.
“Mrs. Jones has chosen to use her voice to talk about herself ” Angelica Coglianosaid one of Jones’s legal representatives Ap. “In doing so, eagerly awaits the facts and circumstances of that night that come to light through the formal legal process and achieves the justice it deserves.”
Lawyers added that Jones is “fully cooperating with the application of the law, as they continue to actively investigate the violence that occurred.”
The dignified lawyers, Chip Lewis and Sam Bassettresponded in a statement to NBC’s Talk of professional football.
“We are aware of the civil court (not of the criminal court) presented by Ms. Jones and his criminal defense team,” they said. “Mr. Digna denies each of the allegations of Ms. Jones. Unfortunately, false complaints are still being made, this time in the Civil Court. Today the accuser has returned stolen articles to Mr. Worthy’s residence while in prison, and there are still articles that were still missing when he was imprisoned. Mr. Worthy maintains its innocence and is in the conclusions of the district’s prosecutor after the law on the non -foundation allegations of Ms. Jones. “”

You need to be worthy arrested on Friday, March 7, And he remained in prison by accusation of suffocating a family member. The next day, Williamston County District lawyer announced that his office would not accept the case.
“After a later investigation of the Williamson County Xerif and a subsequent discussion with a third party testimony, Mr. Worthy and his lawyers, this case is being reduced at this time to end the investigation by the Williamson County Xerif office,” District’s prosecutor in the district in the district. Shawn Dick said in an email. “Mr. Digna and his lawyers fully cooperate with this research.
The note continued: “We will continue to evaluate the case. As is our practice with all falls, in case of developing additional information indicative of the probable cause in this case, our office will consider this information and can present the case at that time to a great jury in Williamson County. “”
Digna’s lawyers have maintained the innocence of his client, claiming that Jones has refused to divert Worthy’s house after he met his alleged “infidelity.”
“The complainant further destroyed a room at the residence, scratched Mr. Worth’s face and started parts of his hair, of which there is photographic evidence,” the lawyers stated in a statement. “Digna said to the application of the law at the time of the incident that he did not want to pressure the charges against the complainant.”
Worthy broke his silence over the allegations On Sunday, March 9, sharing a selfie self in bed through its Instagram history. “New beginnings,” he emphasized the image.