F1 rules change 2025: Explaining what is new, what was changed in front of the Australian Grand Prix | F1 News

This cannot be up to 2026. year that the regulations of formula 1 are emphasized overlooking new stylish cars and motors, but there are still some noticeable changes to the regulations to be known for 2025. Year.

So, in front of the Australian Grand Prima in the season this weekend, Ski Sports F1 Pundit and former Racing Strategy F1 Team Bernie Collins He was diligently picked up through the latest versions of this year’s sports and technical regulations to outline key changes in importance and explained their probable influence …

Mandatory race with two rates on Monaco GP

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Fernando Alonso and Lance Stames have their own tells that Monaco can improve with more pits stopped after F1 has discovered plans to implement changes for “better races”

Bernie says:

  • This was created in the monaco 2024 race reaction. Year when the early red flag enabled all cars to change the tire and complete the race without a live view.
  • The new regulation forces each driver to use three sets of tires in two different compounds, one of which must be a mandatory work compound (normally medium and hard). Two-different compounds and one race Mandatory rubber is the same for all circles. Only three sets of tires have changed.
  • There is no minimum length of environment or any changes in the Red Flag rules. So, one of these changes in tires like 2024. She could take place under the Red Flag.
  • If there was a security car then one of the changes of tires can happen.
  • Often the race monaco would theoretically faster if the cars ended the two stop strategy, but traffic prevents the teams from making second stops and instead to oppose the position.
  • Pirelli is expected to bring a newly represented C6 tire in the weekend Monaco that is softer compared to last year and which will re-promote the stops.
  • It remains to be seen whether the driver outside the position will take the gambling and finish both war pits on the back of the field. This would be especially useful whether there was an early safety car in the race.

There is no sense of the fastest circle

Bernie says:

  • The assignment of the point to the driver with the fastest raceing wing (provided that completed in the top 10) returned to the Rulebook since 2019. years.
  • The discharge decision means that there are 24 points less available this year.
  • Often this rule has had most of usage for the third or quarter team behind them to the middle field so that it can “free” free “for fresh tires late in the race.

Driver cooling commission above 31c

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Max Verstappen, Oscar Piastri and Lando Norris compared notes in the cold room after Grubog Katara Grand Prik

Bernie says:

  • Implemented in response to Qatar 2023. When extremely hot conditions and limited lengths of rubber weight led to the work race to manage drivers.

Stuffer hind wings tests since the beginning of the season

Bernie says:

  • Since the beginning of the season, the new test will apply to the beam wing to limit the 0.8 DEG when 2 loads 150n applies.

Stuffer foreground tests from 28. Maya onwards

Bernie says:

  • The front wings were allowed to reject 15 mm downside with 1000n applied to both sides, but from the Spanish GP it comes down to 10 mm.
  • The front wing left to discard 20 mm downside with 1000n to one side, but it will now become 15 mm.
  • The flap front wing was allowed to reject 5 mm with 60n applied, but it will become 3 mm.

The car mass is 2kg from 798 kg to 800kg

Bernie says:

  • There is also an additional provision for 5kg additional weight if the provision of control cooling is used.

Two young driver sessions per car

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Bernie Collins, Karun Chandhok and Ted Kravitz give her thoughts that each of the Nokia will perform in his girlfriend in his girlfriend one season

Bernie says:

  • We will see a double number of young drivers ending in the sessions of P1 throughout the season. Teams are harder to push them at the end of the year, and the finals in Abu Dhabi is a favorite. Sprint on weekends are obviously avoided due to the fact that there is only one exercise session.
  • How regulations say that “each competitor must use a driver who did not participate in his career”, then I think of the Gabriel (Mercedes) and Isakk Hadjar (Runners) and Isacks Hadjar (Runners) and Isacks Hadjar (Runners) and Isacks Isacks Hadjar (Minging) and Isacks Hadjar (Mering) and Isacks Hadjar (racing events) could consider young drivers and their teams will not have to start the driver later later. Alpine’s Jack Doohan will count on a race, but not a race two. This puts Oliver Bearman (Haas) and Liam Lawson (Red Bull) on a small lack of other novices, because it will have to sit two sessions per piece during the year.

Possible to have four managers at the event

Bernie says:

  • This is set to help events that are high load.

Option to enable the start of the race behind the safety car but not forcing wet weather tires

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Max Verstappen somehow won the Chaotic Grand Prix Sao Paulo in the treacherous conditions after the beginning of 17. years, while Alpine’s Esteban Ocon and Pierre Gali surprisingly claimed and other points of the podium

Bernie says:

  • We had events that demanded a security car that begins because moist, but not necessarily and necessary and full of wet tires. This new rule enables the control of the breed option to decide whether the wet tires must be mandatory. If this is not mandatory, teams can decide. Brazil 2024 is perhaps the one that would start under the condition of safety cars with free choice of tires.

The network was formed with the view of the championship if there is no qualification session

Bernie says:

  • This is the forwarding of the situation in Brazil last year if the qualification could not pass on Sunday morning due to bad weather.

No restrictions on the use of gearboxes (restrictions currently still on for regulations of 2026. Year, although they have not been updated since December 2024)

Bernie says:

  • This is weird for me as they are sure that teams can get an advantage if their gearbox proves unreliable. Although we rarely see penalties at the time, if it also changes in regulations 2026. To deviate from 2025. years for teams with new gearal assemblies, it will provide them with more freedom. Maybe that’s the point; In order to avoid injury to new teams.

Drivers starting from the tape pit to complete the formation circle. Working in the fast lane of Pitlanema during this time now matches the Grid Timings

Bernie says:

  • Earlier drivers starting from the tape pit can complete the reconnaissance, but not the circles of formation. This now brings the procedure of the tape pit in accordance with the network procedure. The change that makes a lot of sense I think.

Restriction of the number of days and mileage for testing previous cars

Bernie says:

  • Previously, there were no restrictions, but this is now limited to 20 days and 1000km.

Tweak to After Season Abu Dhabi Test Rules

Bernie says:

  • The end of the season test will be one car to 2025 Specification of the young driver and one car of 2026 tire testing curtains.
  • A little setting is just to ensure that Pirelli gets a good test 2026 tire to finish the season before the overhaul for next year.

Watch all 24 races weekends from the formula 1 2025 live season Ski Sports F1Starting from Australian GP 14. until 16. Marta. Stream Sky Sports with Immediate – No Contract, Cancel anytime

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