Alex Dutton has the journey ahead 1923. Not only does he have to cross an ocean in the hope of gathering with his husband Spencer Dutton in Montana, but the premiere of season 2 revealed that he will start on the trip while he is pregnant.
In an exclusive interview, Julia Schlaeper, 29 Brandon SklenSpencer was heading Before being taken away to launch his ex-promoting Arthur (Rafe Soule) on board the end of season 1. “Undoubtedly, will make his journey much more difficult,” said the actress We. “There is much more at stake to be pregnant and know that there is a child on the way.”
“If you are just taking care of -you (while moving) around the world, you can make decisions for yourself, but now you have a child to take care,” he said. “It will be complicated, especially being a pregnant woman in the 1920’s. This adds a level of intensity to the situation.”
Although the fans’ favorite character is known for being brave and fearless, Alex “must be much more careful about the way he is treated and how he takes care of the road,” Schlaepfer continued. “It becomes your definitive priority to ensure that this child is kept alive and that everyone can meet as a family.”
It is left to see what kind of road locks will find Alex in the rest of the season, but Schlaeper believes that the old Countess of Sussex will face a reality control during his trips. “He has lived a very privileged life”, Political Alum said. “I don’t think she (understands) the dangers of different parts of the world, so there is a lot of learning.”
Interpreting the “heavy woman” has been “a dream role” for Schlaepfer. “Alex gets into everything he wants and is very strong,” he said Us. “It has been very protected, but it is determined, and we also see it much more in the second season.”
In real life, Alex has motivated Schlaepfer, who jokes that he would also “flee to Africa with a man I fell in love with after a day” – to follow his own dreams: the actress moved to Montana after of falling in love with the following state Taylor SheridanThe legendary cowboy field.
“I felt so inspired by Alex and how he only follows his happiness wherever he drives her,” he said, emphasizing that he was “so happy” working on Big Sky Country. “I (I thought),” Why wouldn’t this happiness be followed and make a leap? “”
Now, “I live in a ranch in Montana,” he added. “I’m so happy and I never want to leave.”
Season 2 of 1923 Airs Sundays in Paramount+.